White Cleveland cop that shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice fired with applause from community activists upset because his partner got a lenient 10 day suspension....Activist Alfred Porter Jr. said that 'we always knew the cops were wrong,' and activist Kathy Wray Coleman of the Imperial Women Coalition said that "it is a victory but the ultimate victory comes when the police in this case are prosecuted, found guilty, and imprisoned, and when true systemic police reforms relative to excessive force and other police misconduct, locally, countywide and nationally, materialize"....By www.clevelandurbannews.com and www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com, Ohio's Black digital news leaders
Pictured are Samaria Rice, the mother of slain 12-year-old Cleveland police shooting victim Tamir Rice, and Tamir Rice himself ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) / ( www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com ). Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog with some 4.5 million views on Google Plus alone.Tel: (216) 659-0473 and Email: editor@clevelandurbannews.com. Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, and who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio. We interviewed former president Barack Obama one-on-one when he was campaigning for president. As to the Obama interview, CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM, OHIO'S LEA DER IN BLACK DIGITAL NEWS . By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM, CLEVELAND, Ohio – The White Cleveland cop that gunned down 12-year-old Tamir Rice in November 2014 was fired Tuesday by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, and his partner, also a Whit