
Showing posts with the label Cleveland schools education plan

Kimberly Brown responds to editorial that she is a hater for her editorial against Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson's education plan and the 15 mill levy

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson (D-Cleveland) Kimberly Brown CLEVELAND, Ohio- (Editor's note: Below is a response by Kim berly Brown to the guest editorial of Larry Woods, who called Brown a hater for her guest editorial to Cleveland Urban News.Com opposing Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson's education plan and the 15 mill Cleveland Municipal School District operating levy on the ballot for November. Among other provisions, Jackson's plan, which is now state law with Republican Gov. John Kasich's support, replaces teacher seniority with merit pay and hands public funds slated for the majority Black district for charter schools. The Cleveland Teachers Union leadership team, all nine Blacks on Cleveland City Council, Congresswoman Marcia Fudge (D-11), all of the Black state legislators from Cleveland but state Sen. Shirley Smith (D-22), and the Cleveland Plain Dealer and Call and Post Newspapers support the mayor's controversial plan. Community activists generally opp...

Editorial: Plunderbund.Com writer questions State Sen. Nina Turner , State Rep. Sandra Williams in co-sponsoring proposed legislation for Mayor Jackson's Cleveland schools education plan

Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner (D-Cleveland) Ohio State Rep. Sandra William (D-Cleveland), also president of  the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson COLUMBUS, Ohio-(Editor's note from Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com: ( )  is an online news venue. The below editorial is in opposition to support by Ohio State  Sen. Nina Turner (D-25), a Cleveland Democrat, and state Rep.  Sandra Williams (D-25), head of the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus and also a Democrat, in co-sponsoring legislation last week that is  pushed by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, who controls the city schools. Proposed through Turner in the Ohio Senate and through Williams in the Ohio House of Representatives, the mayor's proposed state law would negate  the teacher's negotiated collective bargaining agreement in order to dismantle te...