Upcoming April 29, 6 pm Cleveland City Hall mass rally by community activists and victims families on deadly 137 bullets Cleveland police chase, other fatal police shootings and the rape and murders of Black women makes national news. Read the article here with comments by Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath and Community Activist and Imperial Women Leader Kathy Wray Coleman. Rally sponsoring groups include The Imperial Women, Black on Black Crime Inc., The Oppressed People's Nation (OPN), The Task Force for Community Mobilization, and Peace in the Hood
Malissa Williams and Timothy Russell From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black news venues ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) Below is an April 25 national and international news article on the upcoming April 29, 6 pm mass protest at Cleveland City Hall by community activists and victims families as to deadly Cleveland police shootings of unarmed people, including 137 bullets Black victims Malissa Williams, 30, and Tim Russell Russell, 43 (both pictured above). The below article is published by both Yahoo News.Com and the Reuters European Newspaper, one of the world's oldest newspapers that is headquartered in London and the United Kingdom with thousands of reporters, some stationed throughout the U.S (Note: The mass rally will also address Cleveland police unjustified killings of other people like aspiring rapper Kenneth Smith, 20, (music name...