
Showing posts with the label reelection

Mayor Jackson launches reelection campaign, wins county Democratic party endorsement, Community Relations Board Director Blaine Griffin takes leave from City Hall job to run campaign

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson From The Metro Desk Of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black newspapers  ( ).  Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at and by phone at 216-659-0473 CLEVELAND, Ohio-Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson kicked off his reelection campaign on Saturday afternoon at his campaign headquarters on Prospect Ave flanked by some key Black elected officials including Councilman Jeff Johnson and state Sen. Nina Turner (D-25), who also spoke, and who introduced the Black mayor earlier that day before he won the endorsement from the powerful Cuyahoga County Democratic Party.   The two term mayor says that he has earned four more years. "Four more years," Jackson said to chants to a crowd of supporters at his campaign headquarters. Turner is out front lately after agreeing to forgo reelection to her state senate seat to...

Obama wins Ohio and relection, Cleveland area Black elected officials that helped him win like Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, State Sen Nina Turner, State Reps Bill Patmon, John Barnes Jr., Cleveland Councilpersons Jeff Johnson, Mamie Mitchell, Cuyahoga County Councilman Julian Rogers, comment on his win, Rep. Fudge says Obama will deliver for Ohio as Ohio delivered for Obama, Black community wins once again as grassroots campaign catapults Obama to victory, Read this story on Obama's historic political rise as the first Black president of the United States of America and how Ohioans, Black entertainers and elected officials, and Cleveland's Black community championed his successful campaign for reelection

President Barack Obama, the first Black President of The United States of America, gives his victory speech before a cheering crowd of thousands at his campaign headquarters in Chicago, Il. after winning a second term as president from American voters Tuesday night.  The first family takes to the stage Tuesday night in Chicago, IL after Barack Obama wins a second term as President of the United States of America Obama supporters gathered Tuesday night to watch the election results trickle in at a watch party at the ward club office of Cleveland Ward 8 Councilman Jeff Johnson on the predominantly Black east side of the major metropolitan city of Cleveland. From left Johnson, James Box,  Ohio State Rep. Bill Patmon (D-10), George Edwards,  Vicki Acquah, Jahlil  Muhammad,  and Cleveland Attorney Michael Nelson Sr. (Photo by Cleveland Urban News.Com intern Bernard Rowans). By Johnette Jernigan and Kathy Wray Coleman, Cl...