
Showing posts from September, 2011

Cuyahoga County Corruption Probe Reaches Cleveland's Mayor, City Hall, Black Community, With Bribery Charges Against Former Councilwoman Pierce Scott

Former Cleveland Ward 8 Councilwoman and Former Council Majority Leader Sabra Pierce Scott Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Cleveland NAACP President and Former Cleveland City Council President George Forbes Former Cleveland Mayor Michael R. White Cleveland Ward 16 Councilman and Former Cleveland City Council President Jay Westbrook Ohio State Rep. Bill Patmon (D-10), a former Cleveland city councilman and former candidate for Cleveland mayor Cleveland Ward 8 Councilman Jeff Johnson Former Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Steven Terry Cleveland Developer Michael Forlani Roz McAllister Cleveland Ward 2 Councilman Zack Reed Cleveland Ward 6 Precinct Committeeman John A. Boyd By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( The never-ending Cuyahoga County corruption probe that has ripped the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party and netted to date over 50 guilty pleas or convictions, including two former county judge...

Press Release: 2nd Protest By Activists On Theft Of Black New Borns To Hand To Whites, Etc., Thurs., Sept 29, 3 pm, Jane Edna Hunter Center

Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Judge Alison Nelson Floyd From the Metro Desk of the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( The Imperial Women,, The Northeast Ohio Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, The Family Connection Center, The Oppressed People's Nation, People For The Imperial Act, Black on Black Crime and other grassroots and community organizations will rally for a second time on Thurs., Sept. 29, 2011 from 3:00 pm to 3:55 pm at the Jane Edna Hunter Center for Cuyahoga County Family and Children Services, 3955 Euclid Ave. in Cleveland. At issue is what community activists say are actions by the social services agency in stealing Black and poor new born babies in violation of state law to hand to affluent Whites when qualified family and extended family members have petitioned for the children, and in alleged efforts to tear Black and poor families apart to accommodate afflue...

Bishop Guy And Rev. Cox Take Stances On Rev. C. J. Matthews' Tax Evasion Charges, Cox Is For Him, Guy Wants His Confession First And Cries Sexism

Bishop Jasmine Guy The Rev. Wayne D. Cox The Rev. Dr. C.J. Matthews From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( The controversy over the tax evasion troubles and prosecution of one of Cleveland's most prominent minister's has Black clergy debating the issue, and taking sides. And The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com is privileged to bring the news directly to the community from a neutral standpoint. At issue is whether The Rev. Dr C. J. Matthews, a Civil Rights leader and 23-year pastor of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Cleveland, should be supported relative to federal charges that say he withheld $90 thousand in tax money owed to the IRS on income from church employees that was previously collected and ended up in his pastor's account. He faces two years in prison and is expected to plead guilty. Most Black leaders in Cleveland's religious community say Matthews should be allowed to repay the mone...

Pulitzer Prize Winning Columnist Connie Schultz, The Wife Of U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Resigns From Plain Dealer

Connie Schultz U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog. Com ( Pulitzer prize winning Cleveland Plain Dealer Columnist Connie Schultz, the wife of Democratic U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, resigned yesterday, sparking a firestorm of discussion from nearly 300 bloggers commenting on her departure at the newspaper's online venue of in a matter of hours to media outlets throughout the country, including the Huffington Post. A liberal and principled journalist, Schultz met Pulitzer fame in 2005 with a story about a Black man named Michael Green who spent 13 years in prison on a false rape complaint by a blond blued-eyed White woman who later recanted. Green forgave her, with the true rapist coming forward after reading the story and agreeing to prison because of guilt feelings, even though the statute of limitations for prosecution had run. Schultz said she made the dec...

Councilmen Jeff Johnson And Zack Reed Take On Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson In USA Today Newspaper Over His Veto Of City Council Flash Mob Legislation

Cleveland Ward 8 Councilman Jeffrey Johnson Cleveland Ward 2 Councilman Zack Reed Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Brought to you by The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, (Editor's Note: Cleveland City Councilmen Jeffrey Johnson and Zack Reed are featured below opposing flash mobs in an editorial that ran today, Saturday, September 17, 2011, in The USA Today Newspaper, a national news venue. The opinion below is that of Johnson and Reed and not The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog. Com. And while we respect both as viable Black leaders, The Imperial Women, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, The Oppressed People's Nation, Black on Black Crime and other grassroots organizations object to any local, state or federal legislation designed to silence free speech, such as protests on issues of public concern, and we collectively support the position by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, who vetoed irresponsible legislation pushed by Johnson and...

Blacks, Grassroots, Others Salute Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson's Alleged Firing Of Law Director Triozzi Who Says He's Running For County Prosecutor

Ousted Cleveland Law Director Robert Triozzi From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson has allegedly fired his law director, sources say, though Robert Triozzi, a former Cleveland Municipal Court judge who lost to Jackson in the 2005 non-partisan primary race with Jackson going on to win against incumbent mayor Jane Campbell and then a second four-year term in 2009, claims he is leaving to run for county prosecutor. The latter, however, is a questionable scenario since he only got 3 percent of the vote in his laughable primary race for mayor in 2005, let alone winning a countywide prosecutor's race that is expected to have people like controversial but well known Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Tim McGinty, among others, vying in the May 2012 Democratic primary for Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason's up- for- grabs seat. Mason won't comment publicly on his decision to fore...

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown Of Ohio Remembers The Victims Of 9/11 On The 10th Anniversary Of One Of The Nation's Most Notable Tragedies

Democratic U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown Of Ohio From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( A Letter To The Community Below On 9/11 From U.S Sen. Sherrod Brown Remembering 9/11 September 11, 2011 Dear Friends, Ten years ago, our nation's shock and fear in the wake of the September 11 attacks was soon supplanted by compassion and unity. It is this spirit of solidarity we reaffirm and remember today. Today, we honor those who lost their lives ten years ago – thousands of innocent people from different faiths and walks of life. September 11, 2001 was a tragic day. But from that tragedy, we came together as a nation. We set aside partisan differences, geographic differences, economic differences, and religious differences to come together as Americans. We saw first responders – firefighters and police officers – walk into smoke and fire to save those whom they swore to protect and serve. When first responders were needed, O...

Gov Kasich Reduces Felonies To Misdemeanors Of Sharpton Supporter Williams- Bolar Who Was Jailed For Sending Her Children To Better School District

Ohio Gov John Kasich Kelley Williams-Bolar The Rev. Al Sharpton From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( In the wake of two third-degree felony convictions and the jailing earlier this year of an Akron, Oh. Black single mother for lying on school applications to send her children to a neighboring predominantly White suburban school district with the hope of getting them a better education away from the housing projects where the family lives, Republican Gov. John Kasich used his executive clemency authority on Wed and reduced the charges to misdemeanors. “When I first heard about this situation, it seemed to me that the penalty was excessive for the offense. In addition, the penalty could exclude her from certain economic opportunities for the rest of her life," said Kasich in a press release "So, today I’ve reduced those felony convictions to what I think are the more appropriate, first degree misdemeanors...

Protest Friday, 9-9-11, 3:30 PM, Jane Edna Hunter Center For Cuyahoga Family And Children Services For Stealing Black, Poor Babies For Whites

Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Judge Alison Nelson Floyd From the Metro Desk of the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( The Imperial Women,, The Northeast Ohio Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, The Family Connection Center, The Oppressed People's Nation, Black on Black Crime and other grassroots and community organizations will rally on Friday, Sept. 9 at 3:30 pm at the Jane Edna Hunter Center for Cuyahoga County Family and Children Services, 3955 Euclid Ave. in Cleveland. At issue is what community activists say are actions by the social services agency in stealing Black and poor new born children to hand to affluent Whites when qualified family and extended family members have petitioned for the children, and in alleged efforts to tear Black and poor families apart to accommodate affluent White ones seeking to make their own families at the expense of the Black and poor commu...