East Cleveland library board rehires Executive Director Sheba Marcus-Bey, Ohio Attorney General opinion says that the East Cleveland Board of Education had no authority to remove library board members William Fambrough, Devin Branch
East Cleveland Library Executive Director Sheba Marcus- Bey By Kathy Wray Coleman, Publisher, Editor-n-Chief,Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog K athy Wray Coleman is a community activist and 20 year investigative journalist who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper, Ohio's Black press with print newspapers in Cleveland, Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio. ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) / ( www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio- The East Cleveland Library Board of Trustees has rehired Executive Director Sheba Marcus Bey (pictured), whom they fired last year amid a fallout between the four male trustees, and the three women members. And the controversial library board, whose members are appointed by the East Cleveland Board of Education, is back down from nine to the seven members as required by ...