Community activist and journalist Kathy Wray Coleman is the guest on the Art McKoy radio show on WERE 1490 AM in Cleveland on June 21 at 5:30 pm....The radio show call in number is 216-578-1490, and topics include racism, sexism, police brutality, violence against women, theft of homes of Cuyahoga County residents and judicial and prosecutorial malfeasance against the Black community....Led by activists Art McKoy and Don Bryant, activists will picket University Heights police on July 6 at 6 pm at University Heights City Hall.... By Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leader in Black digital news
Community activist Kathy Wray Coleman (above) speaks to the mainstream media at an anti-police brutality rally in greater Cleveland in response to Cleveland police shootings of unarmed Blacks . To Ms Coleman's right is the mother of Malissa William, 30, who was gunned down along with Timothy Russell, 43, in 2012 by 13 non Black Cleveland cops slinging 137 bullets. Only one of the officers, Michael Brelo, was charged, and was acquitted of manslaughter charges in May by Cuayhoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge John O'Donnell. (Photo by Laura Cowan) . From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog, Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: ( ) / ( ). Community activist and ...