
Showing posts with the label Facebook Murderer Steve Stephens

U.S. Rep Marcia Fudge comments on Cleveland Facebook murderer Steve Stephens and his victim, Robert Godwin Sr., whose funeral has been announced, and she addresses Mayor Jackson on the matter, who faces reelection this year against Councilmen Reed and Johnson, and others....Read here what FudCongreswoman Fudge told ClevelandUrbanNews.Com....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of and, Ohio's Black digital news leaders

Ohio 11th Congressional District Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge Cleveland murder victim Robert Godwin Sr. (left) and his  killer Steve Stephens, who posted a broadcast of the tragic killing on Facebook Live on Easter Sunday. Stephens allegedly committed suicide on Tuesday, April 18  in  Erie, Pennsylvania in his 2016 ford fusion as police were in hot pursuit following a tip that carries a $50,000 reward  From left: Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, Ward 10 Councilman Jeff Johnson, and Ward 2 Councilman Zack Reed, Jackson seeking a fourth term as mayor this year and both Johnson and Reed entering the race to try to unseat him, among others in a crowded field of at least eight mayoral candidates to date ClevelandUrbanNews.Com  and the    KathyWrayColemanOnlineNewsBlog.Com  , Ohio's most read digital Black newspapers with some 4 million readers on Google Plus alone. And the  ClevelandUrbanNews.Com  website  stats reveal some...