Women's March Cleveland 2019, organized by Cleveland activist Kathy Wray Coleman, draws a couple thousand people despite snow storm.... By Adam Dodd of the News Herald

Thousands march in Cleveland for the third annual women's march on Jan 19, 2019 News Herald article by Adam Dodd CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT NEWS HERALD.COM CLEVELAND, OH-Women's March Cleveland drew a couple thousand people to its third- year event The streets were filled Saturday afternoon as Cleveland took part in a Women’s March that began downtown at outside of Public Square. The event coincided with multiple civil rights rallies held concurrently across the country the same day. The event was organized as a means to address issues central to the Women’s Rights movement, including, but not limited to equal pay in the workplace, freedom from sexual harassment and abuse, and reproduction rights. The crowd at Public Square was met with a panel of speakers curated by Women's March Cleveland organizer Kathy Wray Coleman, a community activist, and Kenyona Sunny Matthews and Kara Bara of Women's March Northeast Ohio. Cleveland Mayor Frank J...