
Showing posts with the label Barry Withers

City of Cleveland publicly utilities director Barry Withers loses wife, Cleveland water department is in disarray in his absence, community activists may picket city hall, say they will hold off due to death of Ms. Withers, they want a meeting

Barry A. Withers By Kathy Wray Coleman, Associate Publisher, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com  ( ) and ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio- Barry A Withers, the director of public utilities for the City of Cleveland since 2010 and a top administrator under former Cleveland Mayor Michael R. White, has lost his wife. City officials and other city employees received an email today that states that Withers' wife had died. A city employee speaking under condition of anonymity said that Dianne G Withers, 61,  had suffered a long illness. And in Withers' absence Northeast Ohio residents that the Cleveland Water Department serves and  the employees of the embattled department, have said that the department is in disarray, and has been for sometime. Community activists, whom Cleveland Mayoral Candidate Donna Walker Brown led in a picket of City H...