
Showing posts with the label kaptor

New March Democratic primary results: Fudge wins, Judge Floyd beats Lawson, Goldberg beats Judge Russo, McCormack wins, Kaptur beats Kucinich

By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor ( ) and ( ) ( (Editors Note: The results of Tuesday's Cuyahoga County Democratic primary for county prosecutor are addressed in a separate article below this one that is also dated March 7, 2012). CLEVELAND, Ohio-Tuesday's Cuyahoga County Democratic primary brought mostly predictable results, political pundits said. U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Cleveland lost to Toledo Democrat Marcy Kaptur in the new 9th Congressional District, 11th Congressional District Rep. Marcia L. Fudge won reelection to a third term by a comfortable margin, a Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court judge was ousted while another retained her seat, and a former Cuyahoga County commissioner upset a crowded field to compete against a Republican in Nov. for one of two open of seats on the Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals , among other judicial races. (Editors Not...

Imperial Women endorse Obama, Brown, Fudge, Kucinich, Chandra,announce endorsements for March 6 primary, endorse for state rep, county council, judges

The Imperial Women, fighting against injustices against Black and other women, and on other pertinent issues of public concern impacting disenfranchised people From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com and Cleveland Urban News.Com ( ) and ( ) (Editor's note: See the unofficial ballot of The Imperial Women for the March 6, 2o12 primary election below this article. Interested persons can print the unofficial ballot below and take it to the polls if you have not voted already). CLEVELAND, Ohio-After recommendations by members of an endorsement committee, The Imperial Women, the grassroots group founded around the unprecedented murders of 11 Black women on Cleveland's now infamous Imperial Ave., announced today endorsements for the March 6 primary election in Cuyahoga County, and all but one of the contenders that drew support from the community activists are Democrats. In closely wa...

Obama talks jobs, corporate greed in visit to Cleveland area, promotes his appointment of Cordray to consumer watch dog bureau that Fudge supports

President Barack Obama Richard Cordray U.S. Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH) By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor ( ) and ( ) SHAKER HTS., Ohio-President Barack Obama made a stop to the Cleveland metropolitan area yesterday to stomp for his appointment of former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and to campaign for reelection. Speaking to a capacity crowd of about 1500 people in the Shaker Hts. High School gymnasium, America's first Black president talked jobs, the economy, corporate greed and malfeasance, and his support of "teachers, police and fire fighters." He called Cordray, who lost reelection to attorney general last year in a Republican sweep of statewide offices that included the governor's office, Ohio's favorite son . And he said that he stepped to the plate to appoint him because the U.S. Senate was dragging its feet in confirming Cordray in...