
Showing posts with the label election

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson draws formidable reelection challenger this year in Ken Lanci following his slowness in disciplining group of White Cleveland police officers that gunned down unarmed Blacks Malissa Williams and Timothy Russell in November with 137 bullets, Jackson, who is Black and also controls Cleveland schools by state law, is supported by The Old Black Political Guard, city council, Black clergy, business community and some community activists, and Lanci, a millionaire White businessman, has money to wage a mayoral election fight, Lanci to announce on Monday that he will run against Jackson (Editor's Note: A Cleveland police captain, lieutenant, and 10 police supervisors to be disciplined ranging from a 10 day suspension to possible termination for deadly November car chase the mayor and police chief said, the 13 police officers that gunned down Tim and Malissa with a combined 137 bullets are still on job with no criminal charges against them)

Cleveland Mayoral Hopeful and Millionaire Businessman Ken Lanci, who will announce on Monday that he will run for mayor this year Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black news venues  ( )  Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at and by phone at 216-659-0473 CLEVELAND,Ohio- In the midst of community fallout about his slowness in disciplining police responsible for gunning down unarmed Blacks Malissa Williams and Timothy Russell with 137 bullets following a high speed car chase from downtown Cleveland on Nov. 29 that ended in neighboring East Cleveland, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson has drawn a formidable challenger for this year's mayoral race in Democratic millionaire businessman Ken Lanci. And race is inevitably at play too where the two term biracial...

Hilton Smith elected Cleveland NAACP president, Judge Sara Harper wins other contested race as third vice president, national NAACP watchdog the Rev. Gill Ford, who was sent in to supervise election, says 'racism is not dead,' Rev Caviness is first vice president, Bishop Perry is second vice president, Amos Mahsua is treasurer, Arlene Anderson secretary, Marcia McCoy assistant secretary, 3 make the short list for executive director, 24 win slots for executive committee, retired Plain Dealer reporter Richard Peery says new leaders should watch Governor Kasich and not let him 'run the NAACP'

The Rev Hilton Smith, who was elected the 34th president of The Cleveland NAACP by its members during an election held on Nov. 11 at The Cathedral Church of God in Christ in Cleveland By Johnette Jernigan and Kathy Wray Coleman, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( ) CLEVELAND,Ohio- T he Rev. Hilton Smith, senior vice president for corporate and community affairs at Turner Construction Company in Cleveland and an associate minister at Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church in Cleveland, is the new chapter NAACP president, NAACP officials said Sunday after an all afternoon election at  The Cathedral Church of God in Christ .  Also a former Cleveland School Board president, Smith, 66, beat longtime NAACP affiliate Jocelyn Travis and member Clint Bradley to become the 34th president of the local chapter that celebrated its 100th year anniversary this ...

Editorial by Cleveland Urban News.Com Reporter Johnette Jernigan, Can felons vote in Ohio? Yes, but under what conditions, if any? Can mentally incompetent people vote? What 2 states barred voting lifelong to felons?

Editorial by Johnette E. Jernigan, Cleveland Urban News.Com Reporter   ( ) Cleveland Urban News.Com Reporter and Editorial Writer Johnette Jernigan (left) poses with Obama for America  Campaign Regional Press Secretary Laura Allen before a campaign visit by First Lady Michelle Obama to Progressive Field in Cleveland on May 21, 2012 By Johnette Jernigan: Editorial Writer As battle grounds are drawn here in the state of Ohio and voter turnout is  anticipated to be high in a neck and neck race between President Barack Obama and  republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, it is important to not only register  new voters, but to also give disenfranchised voters accurate information on the right  to vote. Former offenders could be taking themselves out of the political process  inadvertently due to misinformation. Knowledge is no doubt power, particularly when it pertains to voting in a close election.  O...

Obama meets with U.S. Reps. Fudge, Kaptor, Sutton, Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Vice Chair Blaine Griffin, others before speech at Tri-C Thursday, former Cleveland NAACP President George Forbes not invited, Obama talks jobs, economy, says Romney has not one substantive economic plan

United States President Barack Obama By Kath y Wray Coleman, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( ) and ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-President Barack Obama gave Cleveland its proper respect and met briefly with about 10 grassroots volunteers and area movers and shakers on Thurs afternoon, moments before his 53 minute speech at the Cuyahoga Community College campus in Cleveland that drew over 1500 people. Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge Of Ohio (D-11-Warrensville Hts. ) Congresswoman Marcy Kaptor Of Ohio (D-9-Toledo) Congresswoman Betty Sutton Of Ohio (D-13-Copley Township) Among the special guests that the president courted before his address to a capacity crowd at Tri-C were Congresswomen Marcia Fudge of Warrensville Hts.  (D-11), Betty Sutton (D-13) of Copley Township, and Toledo's Marcy Kaptor (D-9)...

13 11th Congressional District delegates from Ohio for Obama for the Democratic National Convention are majority female, all Black, include State Sen. Nina Turner, State Rep. John Barnes Jr., Cleveland City Council members, Cuyahoga County Council members, Meredith Turner of the office of U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Obama in Cleveland Wed, Mayor Jackson meets him at the airport, is likely to endorse Obama

United States President Barack Obama By Kath y Wray Coleman, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News ( ) and ( )   (Editor's note: Read in the below article the names of the 13 Obama delegates to the Democratic National Convention from Ohio's 11th Congressional District, an article also with comments from President Barack Obama,  Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Press Secretary Andrea Taylor, State Sen. Nina Turner, State Rep. John Barnes Jr., Cuyahoga County Councilman Julian Rogers, Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Vice Chairperson Blaine Griffin, Community Organizer Larry Bresler, and  Meredith  Turner, a regional representative from the office of U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown).    CLEVELAND, Ohio-The 13 delegates for Obama to this year's Democratic National Convention from Ohio's predominantly Black 11th Congr...