
Showing posts with the label chairwoman Marcia Fudge

Ohio Congresswoman Marcia Fudge to chair streamlined field hearing on voting rights and elections and felon and Native American voting disenfranchisement Oct. 1 in Arizona, Fudge, a Black Democrat and former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus whose 11th congressional district includes Cleveland, now chair of the Subcommittee on Elections of the Committee on House Administration per the appointment by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi....House subcommittee field hearings on voter disenfranchisement have also been held this year in the states of North Dakota, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, and Georgia...By and, Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog

Ohio 11th Congressional District Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge Clevelandurbannews .com and , Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog with some 5 million views on Google Plus alone.Tel: (216) 659-0473 and Email: CLEVELANDURBANNEWS.COM-WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Subcommittee on Elections of the Committee on House Administration will hold a field hearing on voting rights and elections Tuesday, Oct 1, 2019 at Phoenix College in Phoenix, Arizona, a hearing chaired by Ohio congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge, a Warrensville Heights Democrat whose largely Black 11th congressional district includes Cleveland and one of two Blacks in Congress from Ohio. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE STREAMLINED OCTOBER 1 FIELD HEARING Fudge has said the overall purpose of the field hearings is to t ackle voter discrimination and voter fraud nationwide, and to address the Supreme Court’s concerns about the data supporting Sectio...