
Showing posts with the label Cleveland City Council. reduction

Charter amendments to reduce Cleveland City Council and cut members salaries are withdrawn from ballot for Ohio's March 17, 2020 primary election that will include the election for Ohio's presidential primary....Cleveland remains the second most segregated city in the nation behind Boston....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of Cleveland Urban News.Com, and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News, Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper and newspaper blog

Cleveland City Hall Cleveland Urban News.Com, and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News, Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper and newspaper blog.  Tel: (216) 659 0473. ( ) /   ( ) By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor, associate publisher CLEVELANDURBANNEWS.COM, CLEVELAND, Ohio -Two charter amendments initially on the ballot in Cleveland for March 17,  2020, which is Ohio's presidential primary,  have been withdrawn, the effort to reduce the 17-member Cleveland City Council and cut council members salaries now history, at least for now. Clevelanders First, led by Cleveland restaurateur and Lakewood businessman Tony George and some activists, many of them suburbanites, made the announcement after meeting with east side Black pastors who were concerned the move could set up an east side-west side split in the city, a city divided along racial lines. The group, led by George, had collect...