California Chrome headed for triple crown today at Belmont Stakes in New York, Pyles family holds annual Kentucky Derby celebration in Cleveland Heights, Ohio for the first time without 94-year-old patriarch Joseph Pyles Sr, a Buffalo soldier who fought in World War II and a retired social worker trained at Case Western Reserve University Mandel School of Social Work in Cleveland, Ohio, read the full story in this week's print edition of the Call and Post Newspaper, Ohio's Black press
Local photos by John-Bey Greater Cleveland ladies pose in their hats in Cleveland Heights, Ohio at the Pyles family annual celebration of the run of the Kentucky Derby Bottom row from left: Event Host Lillian Pyles, Janalee Brown, Lovelle Hearst, and Hortense Johnson Second row from bottom from left: Rosalind Smith, Nidia Perez, Bobette Ousley, and Annette May Third row from bottom from left: Joyce Jackson, Event Host Marjorie Pyles-Hearst , Linda LeSane-Perkins, Elaine Whitlow, and French Taylor Top row from left: Alexandra War r Dianna Roberts, Beverly Charles, and Sharon Gorman Bremer Sharon Gorman Bremer won the award for best hat at the Pyles f amily Kentucky Derby c elebration in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and Anthony Whitaker took home the prize for best dressed male Lil...