19 Action News Reporter Harry Boomer keynotes Fairfax Business Association's 16th Annual Black Tie Affair and awards banquet, Boomer, Attorney James Gay, others receive community service awards, Boomer says in keynote address that President Obama is true and tried, that Blacks must reclaim themselves, says Blacks must reiterate that they are 'Black and Proud'

Fairfax Business Association honorees pose during the organization's 16th Annual Black Tie Affair held recently at Fairfax Place in Cleveland. From left Attorney James Gay, Our Lady of Peace Church Pastor Gary Chmura, Brenda Hubbard Tolbert, 19 Action News Reporter Harry Boomer, and William Earl Morris. (Photo by Jeff Ivey) 19 Action News Reporter Harry Boomer gives the keynote address at the 16th Annual Fairfax Business Association's Black Tie Affair. Boomer also received a community service award from the organization. (Photo by Jeff Ivey) Cleveland Ward 6 Councilwoman Mamie Mitchell presents 19 Action News Reporter Harry Boomer with a certificate of recognition on behalf of Cleveland City Council and Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson for outstanding community service and excellence in the field of broadcast journalism. (Photo by Jeff Ivey) Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Bl...