Community activists to meet over 137 shots fatal Cleveland police shooting, community activist James Box, the Councilman TJ Dow Leadership Institute, foreclosures and violence against women at 6 pm on Tuesday, July 29 at Lil Africa, 6816 Superior Avenue in Cleveland

Community Activist James Box From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog, Ohio's leaders in Black digital news, Email: and phone us at (216) 659-0473 ( ) / ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio- Select greater Cleveland community activists leaders will meet at an open meeting at the Lil Africa/The Kitchen Restaurant and Event Center at 6816 Superior Avenue in Cleveland at 6 pm on Tuesday, July 29 to discuss community issues. The issues, say meeting organizers, include excessive force by Cleveland police and whether community activist James Box is being railroaded relative to a pending criminal case involving two women. Also briefly discussed will be illegal foreclosures, the epidemic of violence against women in Cuyahoga County, and whether the taking of Clev...