
Showing posts with the label Common Pleas Judge Nancy Fuerst

Cleveland activists rally against Judge Nancy Fuerst and will protest for an elected sheriff on August 15, and the ouster of Judge Fuerst and Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Mike O'Malley....Activists also want reentry reform and will rally against 9 recent inmate deaths in the county jail, sexism and racism in the jail and legal system, racist and corrupt judges, cops and prosecutors, and excessive bonds, excessive force, malicious prosecutions, grand jury tampering, and indictment fixing ....."We want Judge Fuerst off the bench and Black and other people treated fairly," said activist Alfred Porter Jr of Black on Black Crime Inc, who led the call for Judge Fuerst's ouster at a rally at the Justice Center in Cleveland..... By and, Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog

Community activists, led by Alfred Porter Jr of Black on Black Crime Inc. (standing) and Carol Steiner of the County Jail Coalition (center in red shirt), call for the ouster of Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Nancy Fuerst during a rally against nine recent inmate deaths and conditions in the Cuyahoga County Jail at the Justice Center in downtown Cleveland on May 23, 2019. Activists will protest again at the Justice Center on Aug. 15 at 11 am to call for an elected sheriff and reentry reform, and against excessive bonds and sentences that target Blacks, excessive force by police, malicious prosecutions, grand jury tampering, fixed indictments, and for Fuerst to be removed from the  bench  for harassing Black and female activists targeted by racist White cops and corrupt and racist prosecutors in malicious cases before her that she refuses to dismiss even though the speedy trial time has passed . They are also calling on voters to oust County ...