
Showing posts with the label deadly Cleveland police shootings

Imperial Women Coalition, family members of 137 bullets Cleveland police fatal shooting victims meet with Judge Sara Harper, third vice president of the NAACP, on excessive force, foreclosures, rape and murder of women, inequities in sentencing against Blacks, among other issues, coalition votes for 13 non-Black police officers involved in 137 bullets shooting to get fired, prosecuted, coalition to send letters to FEDS, Mayor Frank Jackson, Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald and County Prosecutor Tim McGinty on deadly police shootings, foreclosures, "nigger" name calling, demands that Blacks be hanged by county prosecutor's office employees, etc., coalition to seek meeting with Congresswoman Fudge

By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief,  Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black newspapers  ( ).  Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at and by phone at 216-659-0473 .  Kathy Wray   Coleman is a former biology teacher and a 20-year investigative Black journalist with more than a decade of those years under current Call and Post Associate Publisher and Editor Constance Harper, with nationally known boxing promoter Don King as the print newspaper's publisher. CLEVELAND, Ohio- A coalition of community activists group leaders, mainly women, met Wednesday with Judge Sara Harper, a retired Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals judge and third vice president of the Cleveland NAACP. The meeting was  relative to a host of community issues from fatal excessive force by Cleveland police, to abduction, rape and murder of women, foreclosure impropriety by Cu

Community activists vote to picket Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGinty, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, Cleveland NAACP President The Rev. Hilton Smith over 137 bullets Cleveland police deadly shooting, other deadly Cleveland police shootings of unarmed people like Kenneth Smith (AKA Rapper Kenn Ball) and Daniel Ficker,.... upcoming protests of the trio are also due to McGinty, Jackson and Smith's failure to effectively address other community issues such as documented Cuyahoga County foreclosure fraud, judicial impropriety, no jobs for Black people and Black contractors, abduction, rape and murders of women and children, Mayor's failure to implement 27 commission recommendations following The Imperial Avenue Murders.... McGinty took campaign monies and an endorsement from Cleveland police union and is now protecting the White police officers that gunned down Malissa Williams and Tim Russell with 137 bullets from criminal charges,....activists scheduled pickets of Cleveland NAACP and Mayor Jackson will be canceled if Jackson and Smith meet with activists at their inner city meeting place and without a score of White cops for intimidation purposes

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGinty, 61 Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson , 67, who is seeking a third four year term as mayor this year . 137 Bullets Cleveland Police Shooting Victim Malissa Williams, 30, unarmed and gunned down by Cleveland police in late 2012 137 Bullets Cleveland Police Shooting Victim Timothy Ray  Russell, 43, unarmed and gunned down by Cleveland police in late 2012 Daniel Ficker, 27, unarmed and gunned down by Cleveland police in 2011 Kenneth Smith (AKA Rapper Kenn Ball), 20, unarmed and gunned down by Cleveland police in 2012 Cleveland NAACP President The Rev. Hilton Smith, 66 Christine Malone, 45, raped and murdered in Cleveland in late March. Her body was found on Cleveland's east side at East 93rd. St and Bessemer Ave. The killer is still at large. Malone has eight children and they say that Cleveland police ignored their missing person's report and allegedly said "call us if you find her." Malo

Imperial Women, other community activists groups to vote Thursday on whether to picket the home of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson a third time, picket is due to police harassment at peaceful rallies leveled against Black women, family members of Black women raped and murdered in Cleveland and because police and the mayor have not implemented the 27 recommendations issued by Jackson's three-member commission around The Imperial Avenue Murders of 11 Black women by convicted serial killer Anthony Sowell

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief,  Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black news venues  ( )  Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at and by phone at 216-659-0473 CLEVELAND,Ohio- The Imperial Women and other community activists groups will vote on Thursday, May 16, 2013 on whether to picket the home of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson in response to harassment of Black women and community activists by his predominantly White police force as to free speech rallies on issues of public concern and because police and the Jackson administration have failed to implement the 27 recommendations issued by the mayor's three-member commission formed around the murders of 11 Black women on Imperial Avenue in Cleveland.  The meeting is open to community activists only and will be held at 7504 Cedar Ave in Cleveland. For

Updated: Community activists to picket Cleveland NAACP at 5:00 pm on April 25 if legal redress committee meeting to address deadly Cleveland police shootings, Cuyahoga County foreclosure fraud, judicial corruption, jobs, etc is not scheduled by next week as promised by the chair of the legal redress committee for the past nine weeks, community activists say that Legal Redress Committee Chairperson Una Keenon should either hold a meeting as promised or that she and Cleveland NAACP President Hilton Smith should both step down, activists also plan to picket office of county prosecutor Tim McGinty over deadly shootings

137 bullets Cleveland police shooting victims Malissa Williams and Timothy Russell, both gunned down on Nov. 29 by a group of White Cleveland police officers following a car chase from downtown Cleveland that led police to neighboring East Cleveland. Both were unarmed and no criminal charges against the police assailants that are still on the job seem  imminent By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor-n-Chief, Cleveland Urban News.Com   ( ). CLEVELAND, Ohio- The Imperial Women and other community activists groups have voted to picket the offices of the Cleveland NAACP On April 25 at its headquarters at 2131 Stokes Blvd. in Cleveland if an open legal redress committee meeting to address deadly shootings by Cleveland police, Cuyahoga County foreclosure fraud, judicial impropriety and a host of other community issues that NAACP officials promised to hold for the past nine weeks is not scheduled by next week.  "We have been patient enough," said Ka

Criminal Defense and Civil Rights Attorney Terry Gilbert, who represents the estate of 137 bullets shooting victim Timothy Ray Russell, to headline community forum at 5 pm at Lil Africa in Cleveland on Thursday Feb. 21 on Cleveland police shootings, and on Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath, forum to be moderated by Minister Robert "Brother Bob" Saffold, Councilman T.J. Dow to speak,... Gilbert says "McGrath is in a dream world if he believes that there are no systemic problems in the Cleveland Police Department," activists to discuss 137 bullets deadly shooting by Cleveland police of unarmed Blacks Malissa Williams and Timothy Ray Russell and will vote on whether they support McGrath, and on whether systemic problems exist in police department, will discuss how high unemployment contributes to crime, and police negligence around the Imperial Avenue Murders, activists, Black contractors group, Black elected officials to speak, ....activists to remember Cleveland police deadly shooting victims Brandon McCloud, Michael Pipkins, Kenneth Smith and Daniel Ficker, ....activists, community to push Petition for Redress on deadly police shootings and other cases involving alleged police misconduct, .....activists to also discuss Rebecca Whitby nigger name calling incident by Cleveland police and the Bronaugh sisters, two Black Cleveland Collinwood High School teens arrested, jailed, and maliciously prosecuted for protesting teacher layoffs and school closings, .....sponsoring groups include Cleveland Urban News.Com, Lil Africa, The Cleveland African-American Museum, The Imperial Women, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, Organize Ohio, Ohio Family Rights, The Oppressed People's Nation, Black on Black Crime Inc., The National Association for Parental Equality, The Black Contractors Association, Revolution Books, The Cleveland Chapter of the New Black Panther Party, The Urban Education Strategy Group, The Family Connection Center, The Carl Stokes Brigade, The Northeast Ohio Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, .....activists want Congressional hearing on deadly shootings by Cleveland police

Cleveland Criminal Defense Attorney Terry Gilbert, who represents the estate of 137 bullets Cleveland police shooting  victim Timothy Ray Russell and will headline a community forum on Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath and deadly police shootings in Cleveland on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 5 pm at Lil Africa in Cleveland, 6816 Superior Ave. "When Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath says that there are no systemic  problems  in the Cleveland Police Department he is in a dream world," said Gilbert. Read the entire article below. Minister Robert "Brother Bob" Saffold, who will moderate  a community forum on Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath and deadly police shootings in Cleveland on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 5 pm at Lil Africa in Cleveland, 6816 Superior Ave. 137 Bullets Cleveland Police Shooting Victim Malissa Williams 137 Bullets Cleveland Police Shooting Victim Timothy Ray  Russell Cleveland Ward 7 Councilman T.J. Dow, who will do the we