Community to hold candlelight vigil to remember 3-year-old EmillianoTerry on Wednesday, Nov 28 at 5pm at Kassouth Park in Cleveland, the Black boy's body was found in garbage landfill Monday, boy's mother arrested in connection with his death, his 20-year-old mother's cry for help ignored by Cuyahoga County Department of Children and Family Services

Emilliano Terry Camilia Terry By Kathy Wray Coleman, Publisher, Editor-n-Chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-Community activists and other community affiliates will hold a candlelight vigil on Wednesday Nov. 28 at 5:30 pm at Kassouth Park in Cleveland at E. 121st St and Williams Ave near Shaker Blvd. to remember three-year-old Emilliano Terry, whose missing body was found by police in a waste treatment landfill in Oakwood Village on Monday. The boy was initially thought to have been missing from the Buckeye Ave. apartment in Cleveland where he lived with his 20-year-old mother and two young siblings. Camilia Terry, whose cries for help were ignored by the Cuyahoga County Department of Children and Family Services, was arrested Monday and taken into custody in the connection with the death of her son. His lifeless body was recovered ...