
Showing posts with the label Judge Nancy Fuerst

Groups protest Cuyahoga County jail conditions, Judge Nancy Fuerst, and inmate deaths, again, Black activist Alfred Porter Jr. saying at the protest that Fuerst is denying speedy trial rights to defendants as he carried a protest sign for Fuerst's ouster from the bench....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of and, Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper and Black blog. Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email:

Community activists who called for the ouster of Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Nancy Fuerst during a rally against conditions in the Cuyahoga County Jail at the Justice Center in downtown Cleveland earlier this year picketed again on Oct 8 against  jail conditions, Fuerst, other judges, and a host of other issues. Activists say the judge is unethical and unfair and is allegedly obstructing justice in her attempts to destroy innocent Black activists who are defendants in her courtroom in malicious cases involving KKK-type White cops who have allegedly harassed them. She blatantly disregards the law they say, and should be investigated by authorities  for alleged public corruption activities.  Speaking at the protest above is activist Carol Steiner, and standing is Black on Black Crime President  Alfred Porter Jr. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE LIVE FACEBOOK VIDEO OF THE MAY 23 RALLY AGAINST CONDITIONS IN THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY JAIL BY CL...

Cleveland activists to picket August 15 over 9 inmate deaths in county jail, malicious prosecutions, excessive sentences against Blacks, inhumane jail conditions, corrupt judges and prosecutors, excessive force, bail reform, speedy trial violations, grand jury tampering, indictment fixing, and other malfeasance, U.S. Marshals issuing findings of unconstitutional and inhumane Cuyahoga County Jail conditions......Activists also want justice for Shelia McFarland, who is Black and serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole aftet calling Common Pleas Judge Daniel Gaul a racist.....By and, Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog

Image and -CLEVELAND, Ohio- Greater Cleveland  community members and local community activists, led by Alfref Porter Jr of Black on Black Crime Inc and supported by the Imperial Women Coalition, Fathers Lives Matter, the Carl Stokes Brigade, the Black Man's Army, and other Cleveland area activist groups, will again picket the embattled Cuyahoga County Jail at the Justice Center in downtown Cleveland on Aug 15, 2019 at 11 am to protest jail conditions, nine inmate deaths in roughly a year, and for Common Pleas Judge Nancy Fuerst to resign for harassing Blacks and activists, among other matters. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE FOR THIS PROTEST Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Daniel Gaul Organizers said that issues also include excessive force, bail reform, malicious prosecutions, grand jury tampering, indictment fixing, and excessive sentences by the 34 largely White general division common ple...

Cleveland activists to again protest at the Cuyahoga County Jail over 9 recent inmate deaths, etc, and will demand the resignation of Judge Nancy Fuerst for harassing Blacks and activists falsely accused of crimes against racist and crooked White cops....Activists will also protest for justice for those subjected to excessive sentences, including Sheila McFarland, who is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for calling a common pleas judge of Cuyahoga County racist....By and, Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog

Pictured is Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Nancy Fuerst, whom activists want out of office for alleged malfeasance and the harassment of maliciously prosecuted Blacks and activists, the judge doing such things as denying indigent Blacks and community activists representative counsel after arbitrarily removing already appointed counsel of record from their cases, and  issuing warrants for missing trials not journalized or docketed as required. Public records also show that the judge is refusing to docket when Black defendants and maliciously prosecuted activists appear for trial and White cops falsely accusing them of crimes do not show for trial when subpoenaed by the prosecution. Moreover, data show that the runaway judge is denying Blacks and activists dismissal of cases after the speedy trial time has passed in cooperation with Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Mike O'Malley and his assistant county prosecutors, and is issuing orders that poor and indigent Blacks and...