
Showing posts with the label Ohio Eight House District Black Caucus

Community activists, Black elected officials, Black clergy to rally over voter supression and early voting issues in Ohio at 5 pm on June 16, 2014, at the Chateau Mansion, 13124 Euclid Avenue, Ohio Senator Nina Turner, the Democratic nominee for Ohio Secretary of State, to also speak, key sponsor is the Ohio Eighth House District Black Caucus

THE RIGHT TO VOTE IS A TERRIBLE THING TO LOSE, RALLY WITH THE GREATER CLEVELAND COMMUNITY, INCLUDING THE OHIO EIGHTH HOUSE DISTRICT BLACK CAUCUS, THE UNITED PASTOR'S IN MISSION, BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS, BLACK CLERGY AND COMMUNITY ACTIVISTS GROUPS, ON MONDAY JUNE 16, 2014, AT 5 PM IN FRONT OF THE CHATEAU MANSION IN EAST CLEVELAND, OHIO, 13124 EUCLID AVENUE Contact Numbers are Ohio Eighth House District Black Caucus President Charles E. Bibb Sr at (216) 659-4619, Kathy Wray Coleman of the Imperial Women Coalition at (216) 659-0473,  and Peace in the Hood President Khalid Samad at (216) 548-4043, Black on Black Crime Vice President Al Porter at (216) 704-5036 and Black on Black Crime Founder Art McKoy at (216) 253-4070. The Ohio Eighth House District Black Caucus, in cooperation with Black clergy, community activist groups, including Peace in the Hood, Black on Black Crime Inc, the Carl Stokes Brigade, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor and the Imperial Women Coalition, wil...