Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett called Mitt Romney a liar and against women's rights in a one-on-one interview with Cleveland Urban News.Com Editor-in-Chief Kathy Wray Coleman, an interview that also included Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson.....By www.clevelandurbannews.com, Ohio's leading Black digital newspaper

Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to United States of America President Barack Obama and his assistant for public engagement and intergovernmental affairs who visited Cleveland in 2012 during a campaign stop for the re-election of Obama. The president cruised to a second term, beating then Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, whom Jarrett said in a 2012 interview one-on-one with Cleveland Urban News.Com Editor-in-Chief Kathy Wray Coleman is a liar, and against women's rights Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, who says that President Barack Obama is an education president who supports predominantly Black major metropolitan cities like Cleveland By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and the Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog. Tel: 216-659-0473. Email: editor@clevelandurbannews.com . Coleman is a 23-year political, legal and investigative journal...