Trial continues before Judge Floyd in theft of Black babies by Cuyahoga County Department of Children and Family Services to hand to affluent Whites

Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Judge Alison Nelson Floyd (Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper Online Photo ) By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor ( ) and ( ) CLEVELAND,Ohio-A controversial custody-adoption trial that began last Nov. between a poor Black Cleveland family and an affluent White couple with the popular judicial surname of Gallagher that were handed two new born Black children taken involuntarily from their teen mothers continues. Taken within months of their births and precluded from being cared for by extended family members as state law requires, the celebrated trial to get back three year-olds Jamela and Jamyla Barringer is center stage at the new Juvenile Court Justice Center on Quincy Ave. in Cleveland before Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Judge Alison Nelson Floyd, who is Black. "Children and Family Services have a modern day slave plantation by stealing Black children and we want ou...