
Showing posts with the label Grace Wait Jones

Memorial service for community activist, former Call and Post reporter Grace Waite- Jones is Saturday, Dec 8, 1pm, Lucas Memorial Chapel in Gardfield Hts, Ohio near Cleveland

Grace Waite-Jones Grace Waite -Jones and her son Asante Jones By Kathy Wray Coleman, Publisher, Editor-n-Chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( ) CLEVELAND,Ohio- The memorial service for Grace Waite- Jones, a community activist and former reporter for The Call and Post Newspaper who also fought against apartheid in South Africa,  will be held on Saturday, Dec. 8, at 1 pm at Lucas Memorial Chapel, 9010 Garfield Blvd in Garfield Hts, a suburb of Cleveland. Waite- Jones, 65, died suddenly at her home in Cleveland on Nov. 27.  The cause of her death was unknown at press time.  Waite- Jones and her twin sister Gloria were the youngest of 10 children.  In 1967 Waite Jones wed Richard E. Jones. The couple divorced in 1970. Waite- Jones was employed in different capacities including as a Call and Post reporter in the 1970s and...