
Showing posts with the label Cory Booker

Black U.S. Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker make the cut for the 5th Democratic Debate in Atlanta this week and no more than 2 Blacks have been on a major party presidential debate stage at once in America.....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of and, Ohio's black digital news leaders

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), a former California attorney general and the only Black female candidate in the 2020 race for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States of America, and U.S. Senator Cory Booker(D-NJ) of New Jersey, a former Newark mayor and the only Black male in the presidential race, both of them qualifying for the Fifth Democratic Debate on Nov. 20 in Atlanta, Georgia By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief at and , Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper and Black blog, both also at the top in Black digital news in the Midwest. Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: Coleman is an experienced Black political reporter who covered the 2008 presidential election for the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio and the presidential elections in 2012 and 2016 As to the one-on-one interview by Coleman with Obama  CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT CL...

Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, the only two Black presidential candidates, qualify for the Third Democratic Debate, the fourth debate to be held in Ohio.... No more than two Black Democratic candidates for president have ever been on the national debate stage together, the late Shirley Chisholm of New York the first Black female congresswoman and the first Black major party presidential candidate, and Barack Obama, the first Black nominee of a major American party and the nation's first Black president....By associate publisher and editor Kathy Wray Coleman of and, Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), a former California attorney general and the only Black female candidate in the 2020 race for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States of America, and U.S. Senator Cory Booker(D-NJ) of New Jersey, a former Newark mayor and the only Black male in the race, both of them qualifying for the Third Democratic Debate on Sept. 12 in Houston, Texas  By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief at and , Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper and Black blog, both also top in Black digital news in the Midwest. Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: Coleman is an experienced Black political reporter who covered the 2008 presidential election for the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio and the presidential elections in 2012 and 2016 As to the one-on-one interview by Coleman with Obama  CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT CLEVELAND URB...

Night 2 of Dems 2nd presidential debate highlights MeToo movement,Tamir Rice and Eric Garner, excessive force, and criminal justice and immigration reforms....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of and, Ohio's Black digital news leaders

From left:  Democratic presidential candidates U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, former vice president Joe Biden, former HUD secretary Julian Castro, and U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand  and Cory Booker By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief  at and .  Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email:, Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper and Black blog.   Coleman is an experienced Black political reporter who covered the 2008 presidential election for the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio and the presidential elections in 2012 and 2016 As to the one-on-one interview by Coleman with Obama   CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM, OHIO'S LEADER IN BLACK DIGITAL NEWS . Tamir Rice CLEVELANDURBNNEWS.COM-DETROIT, Michigan- Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old Cleveland Black boy gunned down by a White Cleveland cop, and Er...

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris to speak in Cleveland April 28, editor Kathy Wray Coleman previously interviewing Harris, who would beat President Trump if the 2020 general election were held today, early polls show....Read her one-on-one interview with editor Kathy Wray Coleman here....Who will Democratic U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown of Cleveland endorse for president?....An Obama ally, find out what Harris, who is Black, stands for...Will Obama endorse Harris or his former vice president, Joe Biden, the front-runner expected to announce his bid for president next week, and who is ahead of Bernie Sanders, who is second in the polls for the Democratic nomination, with Harris third or fourth, polls show?.....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of and, Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog

From left: U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown of Cleveland, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California, and former United States president Barack Obama, the nation's first Black president. A candidate for the Democratic nomination  for president in 2020, and , Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog with some 5 million views on Google Plus alone.Tel: (216) 659-0473 and Email: editor@clevelandurbanne Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, and who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio. We interviewed former president Barack Obama one-on-one when he was campaigning for president. As to the Obama interview, CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM, OHIO'S LEADER IN BLACK DIGITAL NEWS . By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief Coleman is an experienced Black political reporter who covered the 2008 presidential election for the Call and Post Ne...