Ohio Supreme Court Justice Melody J. Stewart is sworn in by Chief Justice O'Connor as the first Black and first Black female elected to that court....O'Connor said that Stewart "has forever earned a place not only in this court's history but in the history of the state of Ohio."....Stewart is a former judge of the 8th District Court of Appeals, which serves Cuyahoga, which includes Cleveland.... Justice Stewart said at her swearing-in that "in being the first Black or African-American woman elected to the supreme court of Ohio I join other historic firsts here, starting with Florence Ellinwood Allen, who, in 1922, was the first woman elected to this court."....Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor is the first female chief justice of the Ohio Supreme Court....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of Clevelandurbannews.com and Kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com, Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black

Justice Melody J. Stewart, an Ohio 8th District Court of Appeals judge out of Cuyahoga County who won one of two open seats on the Ohio Supreme Court in November, was sworn in Jan. 31, becoming the first Black and first Black woman elected to Ohio's high Court Ohio Supreme Court Justice Melody J. Stewart is swore in on Jan. 31 at the Moyer Judicial Center in Columbus, the state's capital. Justice Stewart is the first Black and first Black woman elected to the Ohio Supreme Court. To Stewart's far right is Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor, who srown in Justice Stewart, and the first female chief justice elected to Ohio's high court. Ohio Supreme Court Justice Melody J. Stewart (bottom row at second from left)) is saluted before she is sworn in on Jan. 31. Justice Stewart is the first Black and first Black woman elected to the Ohio Supreme Court. Directly behind Justice Stewart in the top row and to her direct left is Chief Justice Maureen O'Con...