Dick Peery, a retired Plain Dealer Newspaper journalist, former longtime president of the writer's Guild union at the Plain Dealer, former Call and Post Newspaper reporter and current community activist, is among honorees at Fairfax Business Association affair on Saturday, December 7, at 6 pm at Fairfax Place in Cleveland, keynote speaker is Woodmere Mayor Charles E. Smith, also read much of this article in this week's print edition of the Call and Post Newspaper, Ohio's most prominent Black press, Call and Post to cover event

CLEVELAND, Ohio- Retired Plain Dealer reporter Richard Peery, also a former reporter for the Call and Post Newspaper, is among eight attendees that will receive community service awards on Saturday, Dec 7 at the annual community affair of the Fairfax Business Association (FBA). The event will be held at Fairfax Place in Cleveland, 9014 Cedar Avenue. Tickets are $50. For more information contact Betty Mahone at 216-926-8003. Since retiring Peery, who was also a longtime president of the writer's Guild union at the Plain Dealer, has continued his activism in the community, rallying with community activists and others around violence against women issues in greater Cleveland, a stand your ground bill in the Ohio State General Assembly, and police brutality. Woodmere Mayor Charles E. Smith The keynote speaker is Charles E. Smith, the mayor of Woodmere Village in Ohio. Other award recipients include Wesley Toles, Jackie Sutton, Shirley Thompson, Tim Willis,...