
Showing posts with the label Charles Bibb

Richmond Heights residents, Dems, Republicans, union advocates rally with Mayor Miesha Headen and say vote yes to retain her as mayor, the recall election is Tuesday, other supporters include former county commissioner Peter Lawson Jones, state Representative Bill Patmon, Lane Dunbar, Charles Bibb Sr, Richard Peery, and the Rev Jeffery Jemison, Headen speaks at rally, the mayor has raised the city's credit rating, made positive changes, and should be retained, residents say

Richmond Heights Mayor Miesha Headen at work and speaking with city workers The Headen family Democratic Ohio State Representative Bill Patmon (D-10), a Mayor Headen  supporter who says that Headen "is a Democrat and an effective mayor and voters should retain her on Tuesday"         By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief,  Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog,  O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog (Email:, Tel: (216) 659-0473).   K a thy Wray Coleman is  a community activist and 20 year investigative journalist who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper.  ( ) /   ( ) Democratic Richmond Heights Mayor Miesha Headen (right) and retired Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Jean Murrell Capers, a popular Republican and community...