Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson is shameful for no appointed Blacks as chief of police, law director, safety director, chief prosecutor writes Cleveland Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Nelson Sr. in an editorial, Nelson says former mayors Carl Stokes, Michael R. White, Jane Campbell had Blacks, Nelson says that Black leaders have given Jackson "a Black pass" to snub his nose at the Black community relative to key law enforcement positions and in a venue where the Black community is most vulnerable as to police brutality, police murders, the courts, prosecutions, etc.

Editorial By Cleveland Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Nelson Sr. (pictured) CLEVELAND,Ohio-It's been [nearly three months] since an unarmed [Black]couple died in a hail of bullets with at least 137 shots fired by at least 13 Cleveland police officers. State and local officials continue to investigate, while community leaders, some less than enthusiastically, call for federal intervention. Yet in spite of the tension that exists between the Black community and the police, [Mayor Frank] Jackson has systematically excluded Blacks from leadership positions of law director, police chief, safety director and city prosecutor. Out of the last six Cleveland mayors since 1967, including Carl B. Stokes, Michael R. White and Jane Campbell, all of whom had Blacks, he is the only mayor to have this dubious distinction. I have to check the administration of Ralph Perk to be sure on whether he had any Blacks. It is therefore no surprise that Blacks are more likely to b...