
Showing posts with the label Artis Hughes

Uppercut victim Shidea Lane found guilty of disorderly conduct by Shaker Hts Judge K.J. Montgomery, former bus driver Artis Hughes, who sucker punched Lane and tossed her from an RTA bus after an altercation between the two, was previously found guilty of assault

CLEVELAND, Ohio- Shidea N. Lane (pictured), the young Black woman who made national news last year for getting uppercut, choked, and thrown from a Regional Transit Authority (RTA) bus by since fired bus driver Artis Hughes, pleaded no contest on Tuesday to misdemeanor disorderly conduct before Shaker Hts Municipal Court Judge K. J Montgomery and was found guilty.  She will be sentenced next month and faces a maximum $250 fine and 30 days in jail.  The criminal charge, brought by the City of Beachwood where the incident occurred,  was heard in Shaker Hts court, which hears t raffic and misdemeanor cases and some civil lawsuits from Beahwood and other neighboring municipalities. "We were there for support and the judge did not want to here anything from Shidea's attorney on the bruises she allegedly got, " said Valerie Robinson, 76, a member of  the Imperial Women and Stop Targeting Ohio's poor, and a retired Cleveland schools teacher....

Uppercut RTA bus driver victim Shidea Lane to make plea tomorrow in Shaker Hts Municipal Court on disorderly conduct charge, fired RTA bus driver Artis Hughes, who sucker punched the young Black woman and threw her from an RTA bus last year, was found guilty of assaulting Lane, Imperial Women representative to attend hearing, Imperial Women object to outrageous violence against women and call for not guilty finding or probation without criminal record for Lane, 25

Shidea N. Lane  Artis Hughes By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief,  Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black newspapers  ( )  Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at and by phone at 216-659-0473 CLEVELAND, Ohio- Shidea N. Lane, the young Black woman who made national news last year for getting uppercut, choked, and thrown from a Regional Transit Authority (RTA) bus by since fired bus driver Artis Hughes, will plead no contest tomorrow to misdemeanor disorderly conduct before Shaker Hts Municipal Court Judge K. J Montgomery, her lawyer Attorney Dale Friedland told Cleveland Urban News.Com Monday afternoon.  "Shidea will plead no contest and we hope the judge will find her not guilty," said Friedland, who added that Montgomery and Beachwood Prosecutor Thomas Greve had rejected his request for probation before judgmen...

PRESS RELEASE: Shidea Lane, the young Black woman sucker punched and tossed off of a Cleveland RTA bus by since fired bus driver Artis Hughes, to appear at press conference by Imperial Women on outrageous violence against women, Sunday, 5 pm, WERE 1490 AM Radio parking lot, 2510 St. Clair Ave in Cleveland, Lane, her attorney to appear on Art McKoy University Show on WERE at 5:30 pm after press conference, Nov 25 is National End Violence Against Women Day

Shidea N. Lane, a passenger on a Regional Transit Authority bus in greater Cleveland that RTA bus driver Artis Hughes, who was has since been fired, sucker punched to the floor and tossed off the bus on Sept. 18 after an argument between the two ensued.  Former RTA bus driver Artis Hughes, who sucker punched and chokes a young Black RTA passenger Shidea Lane, 25, and tossed her off the bus he was driving. Hughes, 59, was fired from his job last week for violating RTA rules, regulations and policies relative to his attack on Lane. By Kathy Wray Coleman, Publisher, Editor-n-Chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-The Imperial Women and other womens' rights groups will hold a press conference on Sunday, Nov. 18 at 5 pm with Shidea N. Lane, the young Black woman subjected to an uppercut, choked, and thrown from a Regional Transit Authority (RTA)...