East Cleveland City Council candidates to debate issues on October 5, 2013 at 1 pm at the East Cleveland Public Library

By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black news venues ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at editor@clevelandurbannews.com and by phone at 216-659-0473 EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio-The Ohio Eighth District Caucus group, an organization founded by former East Cleveland City councilman Charles Bibb, a longtime affiliate of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party, will host a candidates debate forum on community issues for those seeking election or reelection to one of three of five city council seats up for grabs in November in East Cleveland on Saturday, October 5, 2013.The event begins at 1 pm at the East Cleveland Public Library, 14101 Euclid Avenue. A majority impoverished suburb of Cleveland, the city has some 18,000 residents. For more information contact Senior Spokesman Charles E. Bibb...