
Showing posts with the label African -American Museum of Cleveland capital improvement fundraiser

African-American Museum of Cleveland to host capital improvement fundraiser moderated by 19 Action News Anchorman Harry Boomer on April 15, 2016....Supporters of the event include community activists, Cleveland councilmen Conwell, Dow, Polensek and Jeff Johnson, Cuyahoga County Councilwoman Yvonne Conwell, and former Ohio senator Shirley Smith...The event is from 5 pm to 8 pm and is not at the museum but at 1575 East 108th Street in Cleveland at the University Circle Bed and Breakfast....Donations will be accepted at the door also.....Call museum executive director Frances Caldwell at 216-374-2899 for more information.....The program, for purposes of media attendance, will begin at 5:45 pm....By Editor Kathy Wray Coleman of, Ohio's Black digital news leader

Executive Director Frances Caldwell stands in front of the temporarily closed African-American Museum of Cleveland in the Huff area on the city's largely Black east side. A capital improvement fundraiser is scheduled for Friday, April 15 from 5 pm -8 pm at the University Circle Bed and Breakfast in Cleveland to raise monies for insurance for a $150,000 grant allocated in the state budget for much needed repairs to the historical building, a Cleveland landmark ) /   ( ). Tel: (216) 659-0473 and Email:, We have more than three million projected Internet viewers via Google Plus, Facebook, our website and blog, Twitter, and elsewhere. Thanks for reading us. Cleveland 19 Action News anchorman and reporter Harry Boomer By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM, CLEVELAND, Ohio- The African-American Museum of Cleveland...