The wife of George Zimmerman, the accused murderer of unarmed Black teen Trayvon Martin, arrested for perjury, Cleveland area Civil Rights, grassroots organizations have rallied for justice for Martin

Shellie Zimmerman By Kath y Wray Coleman, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( ) and ( ) SANDFORD, Florida-The wife of accused teen killer George Zimmerman, who is facing a charge of second-degree murder for allegedly stalking and gunning down unarmed Black teen Trayvon Martin earlier this year in a Florida suburb, was charged on Tues. with perjury. Shellie Zimmerman was arrested without incident by Seminole County sheriffs at her home, authorities said. Her arrest follows the arrest of her husband, whose bond was revoked two weeks ago after a Florida judge ruled that he had lied about his finances, including collecting monies in excess of $100 thousand from a White supremacist website. The seventeen-year-old Martin is Black, and Zimmerman, 28, is White. Shelie Zimerman is accused of lying at George Zimmerman's bond hearing about their finances....