Michelle Obama's brother to speak tonight, Oct, 2, in Cleveland at 7 pm at Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church, 1161 E. 105th St. at get out the vote rally

First Lady Michelle Obama and her older brother Craig Robinson By Kathy Wray Coleman, Executive Publisher, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com ) and ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) CLEVELAND,Ohio- Craig Robinson, the older and only brother of First Lady Michelle Obama, and also President Barack Obama's brother-in-law, will speak at 7 pm tonight, Oct 2, at Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church in Cleveland 1161 E. 105th St. for a get out the vote rally. Today marked early voting in Ohio, a pivotal state that determines presidential elections. The event is free and open to the public. For more information contact Greater Abyssinia at 216-.795-1842. Robinson, 50, is the head men's basketball coach at Oregon State University. Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by telephone at 216-659-0473 and by email at editor@clevelandurbannews.com.