
Showing posts from November, 2012

Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper current and former writers Guild union presidents to participate in grassroots forum for support for newspaper to stay a daily on Sunday, Dec 2, 2:30-4:30 pm, Lil Africa, 6816 Superior Ave in Cleveland, Publisher Terry Egger, Editor Debra Adams Simmons comment on invitation to attend, other speakers on the issue include State Representatives Bill Patmon, John Barnes Jr, Councilwoman Mitchell, Shidea Lane, Genevieve Mitchell, community activists, the newspaper endorsed President Obama for reelection, who won Ohio

Harlan Spector Richard  Peery Debra Adams Simmons Terry Egger By Kathy Wray Coleman "We really appreciate the opportunity but are unavailable on such late notice."... Plain Dealer Publisher Terry Egger and Editor Debra Adams Simmons in a prepared statement to Cleveland Urban News.Com....Read this quote and more in the article below CLEVELAND, Ohio- A former and current president of the Cleveland Plain Dealer Local One of the Northeast Ohio Newspaper's Guild, the newspaper's union for some 170 reporters, photographers, designers and other employees, will speak and take questions from a panel and the community at a  grassroots  forum on the union's campaign push to keep the Plain Dealer a daily print publication on Sunday, Dec. 2, from 2:30-4:30 pm at Lil Africa Recreation Center, 6816 Superior Ave in Cleveland. The event will be moderated by State Rep. Bill Patmon (D-10), who said that he "would be happy to moderate the forum." (F...

Community to hold candlelight vigil to remember 3-year-old EmillianoTerry on Wednesday, Nov 28 at 5pm at Kassouth Park in Cleveland, the Black boy's body was found in garbage landfill Monday, boy's mother arrested in connection with his death, his 20-year-old mother's cry for help ignored by Cuyahoga County Department of Children and Family Services

Emilliano Terry Camilia Terry By Kathy Wray Coleman, Publisher, Editor-n-Chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-Community activists and other community affiliates will hold a candlelight vigil on Wednesday Nov. 28 at 5:30 pm at Kassouth Park in Cleveland at E. 121st St and Williams Ave near Shaker Blvd. to remember three-year-old Emilliano Terry, whose missing body was found by police in a  waste treatment landfill in Oakwood Village on Monday. The boy was initially thought to have been missing from the Buckeye Ave. apartment in Cleveland where he lived with his 20-year-old mother and two young siblings.  Camilia Terry, whose cries for help were ignored by the Cuyahoga County Department of Children and Family Services, was arrested Monday and taken into custody in the connection with the death of her son. His lifeless body was  recovered ...

Former Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann gets six months suspension of law licence by Ohio Supreme Court justices

By Kathy Wray Coleman, Publisher, Editor-n-Chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( ) COLUMBUS, Ohio- Former Democratic Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann, who beat Republican incumbent attorney general Betty Montgomery in a heated fight to win the seat in  2006 only to resign amid a sexual scandal in May of 2008 where he admitted having sex with a female employee, was issued a six month suspension by the Ohio Supreme Court of his law license last week.  It did not help that Ohio's high court has six Republicans out of seven, a venue considered a stronghold for the Ohio Republican Party.  Dann pleaded guilty in 2010 to misdemeanor charges of misuse of campaign funds for rent and utilities on a condominium and a $5,000 gift loan. A second charge accused him of knowingly filing a false fin...

Cleveland city councilperson arrested on suspicion of DUI, is second currently sitting city council person to face DUI charge

Cleveland Ward 10 Councilman Eugene Miller By Kathy Wray Coleman, Publisher, Editor-n-Chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio- Cleveland Ward 10 Councilman Eugene Miller was arrested on suspension of driving under the influence at 1 am Monday morning and pleaded not guilty when  he appear in Cleveland Municipal Court Monday morning. Miller is one of nine Blacks on the 19-member all Democratic city council. He is a close ally to council president Martin Sweeney and is the second currently sitting council member to draw a DUI charge behind Ward 2 Councilman Zack Reed, who pleaded guilty twice to DUI, served jail time, and says he is now clean. Cleveland is a majority Black major metropolitan city of some 400,000 people. Miller  faces reelection in 2013 as the council seats and position of city mayor are up for grabs with Cleveland M...

Ohio State Senator Nina Turner calls for election reform in Ohio, takes on Ohio Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted in editorial to Plain Dealer

By Ohio  State Sen. Nina Turner (D-25) as a guest columnist to the Plain Dealer Newspaper, Ohio's largest newspaper. A Cleveland Democrat, Turner is a former Cleveland Ward 1 councilwoman and one of two Black Ohio senators representing Cleveland   constituents , among others. She represents Ohio's 25th legislative district and is contemplating a run in 2014 for Ohio  Secretary  of State against controversial Republican Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted. Though appointed at times, no Black Democrat has ever been elected to a statewide office in Ohio such as governor, auditor, attorney general, secretary of state or the Ohio Supreme Court. CLEVELAND , Ohio- Elections, of course, create winners and losers. In every contest one candidate party or issue will come out on top. It is rare, however, that  voters  come as close as they did this year to getting the  short  end of the stick. This year we squeaked by thanks to the dedication of loca...

3 Occupy Cleveland members sentenced for plot to bomb Ohio bridge near Cleveland: Mayor Jackson had kicked Occupy Cleveland off of Public Square in Cleveland, some say the men were railroaded for fighting against foreclosure fraud in Cuyahoga County by judges, county sheriff, other public officials, others say their alleged talk of violence, which was never acted upon, was against the doctrine of Occupy Cleveland and destroyed the local movement, the 3 White men sentenced were given housing, food, drugs by FBI informant that their attorneys say lured them into a government sting because of their affiliation with Occupy Cleveland

From top left Connor Stephens, Brandon Baxter and Douglas White, all former members of Occupy Cleveland that U.S. District Court Judge David Dowd Jr.  of the Federal District Court of the Northern District of Ohio in Cleveland sentenced to prison terms on Tuesday after the trio pleaded guilty earlier this year to a plot to bomb an Ohio bridge between Akron and Cleveland. From bottom Anthony Hayne, 35, (bottom left) who has not been sentenced after pleading guilty and agreeing to help federal prosecutors, and Joshua Safford, 23, whose case is still pending as  he undergoes psychiatric analysis. Shaquille Azir, 39, below, the FBI informant that gave the Occupy Cleveland members sentenced on Tuesday to prison by Federal District Court Judge David Dowd housing, food and drugs to allegedly lure them into using dummy explosives in a plot to blow up an Ohio bridge between Cleveland and Akron earlier this year Occupy Cleveland members, belo...

Cleveland Browns lose to Dallas Cowboys in tale of two halves following overtime

By Cleveland Urban News.Com Sports Writer Karl Kimbrough CLEVELAND, Ohio-The Cleveland Browns came back Sunday from a week off with a new attitude in playing against the Dallas Cowboys, a game that went into overtime, though the Browns lost 23-20.  In most of the first nine games of this season the Browns had been starting the game like first half  doesn't count, being out scored going into halftime in practically every game. But against the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday Cleveland had a 13 point lead at the end of the first half. The Browns shutout Dallas in the first half, and shut them down playing with a purpose, and with intensity not seen from them this year.  The Browns dominated the line of scrimmage offensively and defensively and scored a rare first quarter touchdown after a 10 play 48 yard drive.  Quarterback Brandon Weeden threw a ten yard touchdown to Ben Watson. and then scored on two  field goals from Phil Da...

Congresswoman Marcia Fudge elected chair of Congressional Black Caucus by a unanimous vote, she helped Obama win Ohio and re-election

Ohio Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (D-11), a Warrensville Hts Democrat who last week was elected chairperson of the 43-member Congressional Black Caucus By Kathy Wray Coleman, Publisher, Editor-n-Chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( ) WASHINGTON D.C. - Ohio Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge( D-11), a Warrensville Hts. Democrat, was elected the 123rd chairperson of the 43-member Congressional Black Caucus on Wednesday by a unanimous vote of her peers.  The only Black congressperson from Ohio whose 11th congressional district includes the predominantly Black east side Cleveland and its eastern suburbs of Cuyahoga County and a part of Akron and staggering parts of its Summit County suburbs, Fudge said that she is honored to have been chosen.  "I am humbled by the vote of confidence of my colleagues who have selected me to serve as the chair...

PRESS RELEASE: Shidea Lane, the young Black woman sucker punched and tossed off of a Cleveland RTA bus by since fired bus driver Artis Hughes, to appear at press conference by Imperial Women on outrageous violence against women, Sunday, 5 pm, WERE 1490 AM Radio parking lot, 2510 St. Clair Ave in Cleveland, Lane, her attorney to appear on Art McKoy University Show on WERE at 5:30 pm after press conference, Nov 25 is National End Violence Against Women Day

Shidea N. Lane, a passenger on a Regional Transit Authority bus in greater Cleveland that RTA bus driver Artis Hughes, who was has since been fired, sucker punched to the floor and tossed off the bus on Sept. 18 after an argument between the two ensued.  Former RTA bus driver Artis Hughes, who sucker punched and chokes a young Black RTA passenger Shidea Lane, 25, and tossed her off the bus he was driving. Hughes, 59, was fired from his job last week for violating RTA rules, regulations and policies relative to his attack on Lane. By Kathy Wray Coleman, Publisher, Editor-n-Chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-The Imperial Women and other womens' rights groups will hold a press conference on Sunday, Nov. 18 at 5 pm with Shidea N. Lane, the young Black woman subjected to an uppercut, choked, and thrown from a Regional Transit Authority (RTA)...

Dion Waiters, with help from Kyrie Irving, is key to helping the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team make the playoffs this NBA season, an editorial by Cleveland Urban News.Com Sportswriter Karl Kimbrough

Cleveland Cavaliers shooting guard Dion Waiters Cleveland Cavaliers point guard Kyrie Irving By Karl Kimbrough, Cleveland Urban News.Com Sports Writer ( ) Cleveland Urban News.Com  Sportswriter Karl Kimbrough CLEVELAND, Ohio- Dion Waiters, with help from Kyrie Irving, might  be key to helping the Cleveland Cavaliers make the playoffs this NBA season. For seven years the name LeBron James would reverberate in the rafters of Quicken Loans Arena when he would throw down a dunk  It was hoped that the mega star would ultimately lead our Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team to an NBA championship.  But that dream came crashing down for fans when James decided to take his talents to the Miami Heat as a free agent in 2010.   Fans were left wondering if the Cavaliers would have another chance to find a great player to lead their team to championship contention. Players like James don't come around too often, ...