State Rep. Vermel Whalen laid to rest, Ohio House Speaker William Batchelder, Congresswoman Fudge, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, former Cleveland mayor Jane Campbell are among dignitaries that attend,..... State Rep Barnes officiates, Rev Stewart does eulogy....Ward 1 residents pay their respects, State Rep. Patmon, State Senators Smith and Turner also attend,.... Campbell, who lost reelection to Jackson in 2005, says that Whalen was loyal, a friend, and a dedicated public servant, ....Other speakers include Cleveland Councilmen Pruitt and Johnson, former Cleveland councilmen John Barnes Sr. and Joe Jones, Elaine Gohlstin, Judges Mason, Stokes and Groves

Vermel M. Whalen By Kathy Wray Coleman , Editor of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ) and ( ) CLEVELAND , Ohio- Republican Ohio House Speaker William Batchelder (R-69) and Democrats Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and former Cleveland mayor Jane Campbell were among the dignitaries that attended the funeral on Saturday of r etired state Rep. Vermel M. Whalen, who served in the Ohio House of Representatives for 12 years and was a respected and influential politician in Cleveland Ward 1 on the city's majority Black east side. Her funeral was at Williams Temple Church of God and Christ in Cleveland, 6812 Woodland Ave. and the Rev. George L. Stewart did the eulogy. Batchelder descri...