
Showing posts with the label Cleveland City Hall police shake-up

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson hires Black police chief, demotes Safety Director Martin Flask, promotes Police Chief Michael McGrath to safety director, shake-up follows calls by community activists for new law enforcement leadership team as to the murders of 11 Black women by serial killer Anthony Sowell on Imperial Avenue, the gunning down, with a hail of 137 bullets, of unarmed Blacks Malissa Williams and Tim Russell by 13 White Cleveland police officers, Imperial Women, other activists had picketed mayor's home around Imperial Avenue murders, no racial diversity among memebrs of the mayor's law enforcement leadership team, and police negligence

Newly Appointed Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams From the Metro Desk of  Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog,  O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog. Tel: 216-659-0473. (Kathy Wray Coleman is a 20-year investigative and political journalist and legal reporter who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper, Ohio's Black press)   ( ) /   ( ) Community Activist Kathy Wray Coleman, who leads the Imperial Women Activists Group, raises her hand and chants along with some 45 other activists during a 2009 rally she led outside the home of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson. The protest was in response to what activists said was police negligence and apathy relative to the murders of 11 Black women on Imperial Avenue on the city's east side. The remains of the women were uncovered beginning in October 2009 and since convicted serial kill...