Ohio Congresswoman Emilia Sykes condemns House Republicans' extreme spending cuts as a government shutdown looms....Clevelandurbannews.com, Ohio's Black digital news leader
Ohio 13th Congressional district Congresswoman Emilia Sykes, an Akron Democrat Clevelandurbannews.com and Kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday, U.S. Rep, Emilia Sykes (OH-13), an Akron Democrat who leads Ohio's 13th congressional district,,voted against House Republicans' extreme funding bills that the congresswoman said would hurt U.S. service members and their family members, and weaken national security. The congresswoman also called for bipartisan cooperation in an effort to avoid a looming government shutdown. "Just days from the end of the fiscal year, House Republicans' partisan antics are looking more likely than ever to result in a government shutdown that interrupts critical government services, hurts small businesses, forces our troops to serve without pay, and furloughs over 6,000 federal workers in Ohio's 13th Congressional District alone," said Rep. Sykes . "Instead of working across...