Obama talks jobs, corporate greed in visit to Cleveland area, promotes his appointment of Cordray to consumer watch dog bureau that Fudge supports

President Barack Obama Richard Cordray U.S. Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH) By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor ( www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com ) and ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) SHAKER HTS., Ohio-President Barack Obama made a stop to the Cleveland metropolitan area yesterday to stomp for his appointment of former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and to campaign for reelection. Speaking to a capacity crowd of about 1500 people in the Shaker Hts. High School gymnasium, America's first Black president talked jobs, the economy, corporate greed and malfeasance, and his support of "teachers, police and fire fighters." He called Cordray, who lost reelection to attorney general last year in a Republican sweep of statewide offices that included the governor's office, Ohio's favorite son . And he said that he stepped to the plate to appoint him because the U.S. Senate was dragging its feet in confirming Cordray in...