NAACP, Ohio ACLU endorse Issue 24, a Cleveland police reform ballot initiative pushed by Tamir Rice's mother, Samaria Rice, other Black women whose loved one's were killed by Cleveland police, and by Black Lives Matter Cleveland, among others.... Vote on or before election day of Tuesday, November 2, 2021....By editor and associate publisher Kathy Wray Coleman of and

The family members organizing the yes on Cleveland ballot initiative Issue 24 campaign lead a march of supporters to the Board of Elections to early vote during the Citizens For A Safer Cleveland event on Fri, Oct 22 at the Ohio ACLU headquarters on Chester Avenue. To the far left is activist Alicia Kirkman, whose son, Angelo Miller, was gunned down by Cleveland. Second from left is Brenda Bickerstaff, whose brother was killed by police 20 years ago. And third from left is Samaria Rice, the mother of slain 12-year-old Tamir Rice , whom Cleveland police gunned down in 2014 at a park and recreation center on the city's east side. Cleveland voters will determine Issue 24, a proposed city ordinance and charter amendment that would establish and independent citizens review board to review police misconduct cases LaTonya Goldsby of Black Lives Matter Cleveland leads a march of Issue 24 supporters to the Board of Elections to early vote during a Citizens For A Safer Cleveland rally and m...