Third Women's March In Cleveland Hopes To Increase Diversity....Pictured to the far right is Women's March Cleveland organizer Kathy Wray Coleman leading the women's march in Cleveland in January of 2018....To Coleman's direct left is Women's March Northeast Ohio executive director Kenyona Sunny Matthews of Akron..... Article by Lee McKinstry of Cleveland Magazine

Women's march Cleveland organizer Kathy Wray Coleman (far right) leads the women's march in Cleveland in January of 2018. To Coleman's direct left is Kenyona Sunny Matthews of Akron, executive director of Women's march Northeast Ohio CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT CLEVELANDMAGAZINE.COM Story by: Lee McKinstry, Cleveland Magazine January 15, 2019 The Jan. 19 Cleveland Women's March hopes to attract a crowd that represents the city. In a wave of pink pussyhats and punny posters, 5 million protestors took to America’s streets for the inaugural Women’s March in 2017, including 15,000 on Public Square. Yet as a record 113 women serve in Congress this year, much work remains for the movement, says Women’s March Cleveland organizer Kathy Wray Coleman, who hopes turnout for this year’s Jan. 19 event sets a new mark. “We’re going to continue to lead until they realize that women are people, too,” she says. Flagship marches were criticiz...