
Showing posts with the label breast cancer awareness

Ohio Governor John Kasich signs new breast cancer awareness bill into law, bill is sponsored by State Representatives Bill Patmon and Lynn Wachtmann and is dubbed 'The Lizzy B Byrd Act,' new state law is named after Patmon's mother, new laws requires Ohio doctors to advise breast cancer clients of options, if any, for plastic, reconstructive surgeries after mastectomies, Ohio Chapter American Cancer Society says new law helps percentage of women with breast cancer

 From left:  State Representative Bill Patmon (D-Cleveland), Ohio Governor John Kasich , and State Representative Lynn Wachtmann (R-Napoleon)   ( )  and    ( ) . COLUMBUS, Ohio—State Rep. Bill Patmon (D-Cleveland) announces that Gov. John Kasich has signed Substitute House Bill 147 into law. The purpose of this legislation, he said,  is to raise awareness about a woman’s surgical options pertaining to breast cancer mastectomies and reconstructive surgery. Sub. H.B. 147, passed by the Ohio General Assembly and jointly sponsored by Patmon and state Rep. Lynn Wachtmann (R-Napoleon), requires all surgeons and those designated by surgeons to perform certain procedures to use a patient navigation system consistent with the standards used by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC). Also under the new state law, the NAPBC standards require a surg...