
Showing posts from February, 2013

Cleveland police chief to address Black community at Harvard Community Center in Ward 1 at 7 pm tonight, Feb. 28, community activists reject an invitation saying that all they want is McGrath's resignation for senseless deadly shootings of unarmed Blacks by Cleveland police, activists also voted for law director, safety director, chief city prosecutor, none of whom are Black, to resign, activists say Mayor Jackson is invited to meet with grassroots factions before they consider asking for his resignation

Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath 137 Bullets Cleveland Police Shooting Victim Malissa Williams 137 Bullets Cleveland Police Shooting Victim Timothy Ray  Russell Cleveland Ward 1 Councilman Terrell Pruitt Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson CLEVELAND,Ohio-  Cleveland Urban News.Com News Brief , and  By Kathy Wray Coleman, publisher, editor-in-chief CLEVELAND,Ohio- Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath, who is under fire by community activists and victims family members to resign in the wake of senseless deadly shootings of unarmed Blacks by Cleveland police, will address the Black community at the Harvard Community Center in Cleveland Ward 1 today at 7 pm. The gathering has been called by Cleveland Ward 1 Councilman Terrell Pruitt. McGrath will be joined by Fourth District Police Commander Deon McCaulley and Daryl W. McGinnis, the city's new fir...

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson is shameful for no appointed Blacks as chief of police, law director, safety director, chief prosecutor writes Cleveland Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Nelson Sr. in an editorial, Nelson says former mayors Carl Stokes, Michael R. White, Jane Campbell had Blacks, Nelson says that Black leaders have given Jackson "a Black pass" to snub his nose at the Black community relative to key law enforcement positions and in a venue where the Black community is most vulnerable as to police brutality, police murders, the courts, prosecutions, etc.

Editorial By Cleveland Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Nelson Sr. (pictured) CLEVELAND,Ohio-It's been [nearly three months] since an unarmed [Black]couple died in a hail of bullets with at least 137 shots fired by at least 13 Cleveland police officers. State and local officials continue to investigate, while community leaders, some less than enthusiastically, call for federal intervention. Yet in spite of the tension that exists between the Black community and the police, [Mayor Frank] Jackson has systematically excluded Blacks from leadership positions of law director, police chief, safety director and city prosecutor. Out of the last six Cleveland mayors since 1967, including Carl B. Stokes, Michael R. White and Jane Campbell, all of  whom had Blacks, he is the only mayor to have this dubious distinction.  I have to check the administration of Ralph Perk to be sure on whether he had any Blacks.  It is therefore no surprise that Blacks are more likely to b...

Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge introduces Restore Our Neighborhoods Act of 2013 with Congresswoman Kaptur and Congressman Joyce to demolish foreclosed, abandoned homes in Ohio, 49 other states that are community eyesores

U.S Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-11) (left), and Reps Marcy Kaptur (D-9) and Dave Joyce (R-14), photo by CLEVELAND, Ohio-  Flanked by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson,  Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (D-11), a Warrensville Hts. Democrat whose majority Black 11th congressional district includes the city of Cleveland and its eastern suburbs,  announced introduction of federal legislation to aid states and cities in addressing the need to demolish foreclosed, vacant and abandoned properties that have become eyesores to the community during a press conference last week on Cleveland's east side with GOP Congressman Dave Joyce (R-14) and Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-9) of Toledo, who are also sponsors of the bill. The Restore Our Neighborhoods Act of 2013 is a successor to a bill introduced in 2012 by Fudge and former Congressman Steven LaTourette of Ohio , who did not seek reelection last year. “This legislation provides a stro...

Imperial Women, Peace in the Hood, The Carl Stokes Brigade, Black on Black Crime members, a coalition of other activists groups call on Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath to resign. Read the news story by Channel 5 news reporter Stephanie Ramirez and watch the video here

Stephanie Ramirez  By: Stephanie Ramirez , CLEVELAND - A coalition of Cleveland community activists is calling for Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath's resignation. Organizers of a community forum on Thursday said those in attendance voted for Chief McGrath (pictured) to resign after the investigation into the deadly police chase and shooting in November. The forum, which was held at Lil Africa on Cleveland’s east side, included a panel discussion that was moderated by Minister Robert Saffold. The event was organized by Imperial Women. Read the entire article by Ramirez and watch the video at newsnet by clicking  HERE

Criminal Defense and Civil Rights Attorney Terry Gilbert, who represents the estate of 137 bullets shooting victim Timothy Ray Russell, to headline community forum at 5 pm at Lil Africa in Cleveland on Thursday Feb. 21 on Cleveland police shootings, and on Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath, forum to be moderated by Minister Robert "Brother Bob" Saffold, Councilman T.J. Dow to speak,... Gilbert says "McGrath is in a dream world if he believes that there are no systemic problems in the Cleveland Police Department," activists to discuss 137 bullets deadly shooting by Cleveland police of unarmed Blacks Malissa Williams and Timothy Ray Russell and will vote on whether they support McGrath, and on whether systemic problems exist in police department, will discuss how high unemployment contributes to crime, and police negligence around the Imperial Avenue Murders, activists, Black contractors group, Black elected officials to speak, ....activists to remember Cleveland police deadly shooting victims Brandon McCloud, Michael Pipkins, Kenneth Smith and Daniel Ficker, ....activists, community to push Petition for Redress on deadly police shootings and other cases involving alleged police misconduct, .....activists to also discuss Rebecca Whitby nigger name calling incident by Cleveland police and the Bronaugh sisters, two Black Cleveland Collinwood High School teens arrested, jailed, and maliciously prosecuted for protesting teacher layoffs and school closings, .....sponsoring groups include Cleveland Urban News.Com, Lil Africa, The Cleveland African-American Museum, The Imperial Women, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, Organize Ohio, Ohio Family Rights, The Oppressed People's Nation, Black on Black Crime Inc., The National Association for Parental Equality, The Black Contractors Association, Revolution Books, The Cleveland Chapter of the New Black Panther Party, The Urban Education Strategy Group, The Family Connection Center, The Carl Stokes Brigade, The Northeast Ohio Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, .....activists want Congressional hearing on deadly shootings by Cleveland police

Cleveland Criminal Defense Attorney Terry Gilbert, who represents the estate of 137 bullets Cleveland police shooting  victim Timothy Ray Russell and will headline a community forum on Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath and deadly police shootings in Cleveland on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 5 pm at Lil Africa in Cleveland, 6816 Superior Ave. "When Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath says that there are no systemic  problems  in the Cleveland Police Department he is in a dream world," said Gilbert. Read the entire article below. Minister Robert "Brother Bob" Saffold, who will moderate  a community forum on Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath and deadly police shootings in Cleveland on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 5 pm at Lil Africa in Cleveland, 6816 Superior Ave. 137 Bullets Cleveland Police Shooting Victim Malissa Williams 137 Bullets Cleveland Police Shooting Victim Timothy Ray  Russell Cleveland Wa...

Former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. charged with campaign fraud

Source:  Katherine Skiba / Chicago Tribune WASHINGTON,D.C. — Former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. was charged on Friday with violating federal law by misusing campaign funds. Jackson, 47, a Democrat from Chicago, faces felony charges, including conspiracy, in a criminal information filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Typically, federal prosecutors use an information to charge defendants when a plea deal has been negotiated. Jesse Jackson is accused of diverting $750,000 in campaign funds for personal use. Jackson stepped down from the House of Representatives on Nov. 21, citing both his poor health and an ongoing federal probe of his activities. In a statement then, he said he was doing his best to cooperate with federal investigators and to accept responsibility for his “mistakes.” To read this article in its entirety visit the  Chicago Tribune . You might also like: ‘A Flat Out Lie’: Rev. Jackson Blasts NY Post St...

Youngest Oscar nominee in history for leading role in a motion picture is nine-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis, who is Black and stars in the film 'Beasts of the Southern Wild,' which President Obama calls 'spectular,' Denzel Washington is the other Black Oscar nominee, and is nominated for best male actor in a leading role for his portrayal of an alcoholic airplane pilot in 'Flight'

Quvenzhané Wallis Denzel Washington  By Johnette Jernigan, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black  Newspaper  ( www.cleve ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-Nine- year -old Quvenzhané Wallis (pronounced Kuh-VAHN-zuh-nay) is the star of the popular film  'Beasts of the Southern Wild,' and the youngest Oscar nominee in history in the category of leading role in a motion picture. And she is Black and extraordinarily talented, movie critics say. The young star faces Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Lawrence, Naomi Watts, and Riva Emmanuelle as contenders for best actress at this year's 2013 Academy Awards, which will broadcast live on ABC on Sunday, Feb. 24. The other Black nominated this year for an Oscar in a leading role is Denzel Washington, 58,  for his portrayal of an alcoholic airplane pilot i n "Flight." Washington has won two Golden Globe awards...

Updated: Congressional Black Caucus supports President Obama's State of the Union address of 2013, CBC Chair Rep. Marcia Fudge for Ohio says Obama policies on gun control, the economy, voting rights that his speech focused on show his commitment to all Americans, Obama denounced nuclear experiments by Iran, Korea, congressional infighting during hour long speech, U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur for Ohio comments on the president's speech too, says she supports Obama's push for immigration reform, gun control, says she is 'ready to stand with our commander-in-chief'

                                                                                              United States President Barack Obama Congressional Black Caucus Chairperson Representative Marcia L. Fudge (D-11), a Democratic congressperson for Ohio whose 11 congressional district includes the predominantly Black east side of Cleveland and a small pocket of Akron.  U.S. Representative Marcy Kaptur, a Toledo Democrat for Ohio whose 9th congressional district includes parts of the predominantly White west side of Cleveland By Kathy Wray Coleman, publisher, editor-n-chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black  Newspaper  ( www.cleve landurbannews...

Imperial Women, Black contractors group, Organize Ohio, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, The Oppressed People's Nation, Black on Black Crime Inc., other community activist groups, Cleveland African-American Museum officials present concerns to chair of Cleveland NAACP legal redress committee, legal director of Ohio ACLU at meeting that drew some 80 people, issues include illegal foreclosures in Cuyahoga County, prejudicial process for assigning Ohio trial court judges to civil, criminal cases, no Blacks on Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson's law enforcement leadership team, bias against Black children in Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court prosecutions and the alleged illegal withholding of evidence by county prosecutor's office, deadly 137 bullets shooting of unarmed Blacks Malissa Williams and Timothy Ray Russell by Cleveland police, Ohio's unconstitutional public school funding formula that hurts poor children, denial of contracts to greater Cleveland Black contractors, disproportionate prosecutions and sentencing of Blacks in Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, welfare state law that hurts poor women, children, minorities, Emilliano Terry murder case and negligence against Black community by Cuyahoga County Department of Child and Family Services, bias relative to selection of county grand jury foremen, need for mechanism to monitor successes and failures of Black children in the absence of a Cleveland schools desegregation court order:(Community activists to receive written responses to written and well documented requests for help on issues presented say NAACP officials, Black elected officials, president of Cleveland Black police union attend forum too, State Rep. Bill Patmon moderated meeting)

Cleveland NAACP Legal Redress Committee Chairperson Attorney Una H.R. Keenon, president of the East Cleveland Board of Education and a retired East Cleveland Municipal  Court judge Cleveland NAACP Legal Redress Committee Member Attorney James Hardiman, who is also the legal director for the Ohio ACLU State Representative Bill Patmon (D-10), a Cleveland Democrat who moderated a community meeting with community activists who are seeking support from the Cleveland NAACP on pressing issues impacting the Black community and others By Kathy Wray Coleman, publisher, editor-n-chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper  ( www.cleve )  CLEVELAND,Ohio- Some 80 community activists met with Cleveland NAACP Legal Redress Committee Chair Attorney Una Kennon and legal redress committee member and Ohio ACLU Legal Director James Hardiman at the Ma...