Press Release: Imperial Women, activists, victims families of rape, murder, fatal excessive force by Cleveland police to rally July 9, 5 pm, the Chateau, 13124 Euclid Ave.,.. NAACP President Rev Smith to meet with groups there at 5:30 pm, Judge Harper to chair July 10 closed door strategy n-word meeting there with activists, others as to Cuyahoga County prosecutor's office employees who also said to hang Blacks in addition to taking Internet polls on whether it is okay to call Blacks "stupid niggers,"....excessive force, rape, murder other issues to be discussed with NAACP and Judge Harper too, contact number for both meetings is 216-659-0473

By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black newspapers ( ). Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at and by phone at 216-659-0473 . Kathy Wray Coleman is a former biology teacher and a 20-year investigative Black journalist with more than a decade of those years under current Call and Post Associate Publisher and Editor Constance Harper, with nationally known boxing promoter Don King as the print newspaper's publisher. CLEVELAND, Ohio-Grassroots groups, including Imperial Women, the Fairfax Business Association, the Carl Stokes Brigade, Ohio Family Rights, Black on Black Crime and the Oppressed People's nation, will rally at 5 pm on July 9, 2013 at the Chateau at 13124 Euclid Ave. along with activists and families members of victims of fatal excessive force by Cleveland police and the fa...