Grassroots Announce Speakers For Protest At Home Of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson

Cleveland, Oh. Mayor Frank G. Jackson From the Metro Desk of the DeterminerWeekly.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network Notice below from Cleveland area Journalist Kathy Wray Coleman regarding the upcoming protest against Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson To all media and the community. Please pass this on. The protest scheduled for 3 pm on Sat., Sept. 25, 2010 in front of the home of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson at 2327 E.38th St. and Central Ave. will go forward as was determined by a vote last month at the home of Community Activist Don Bryant, President of the Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network and a leader of the People's Forum. Also involved are the Imperial Women, Cleveland FIST, the Oppressed People's Nation and members of Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, Black on Black Crime Inc. and the Carl Stokes Brigade. We shall address the illegal mistreatment and illegal prosecutions and police and prosecutorial misconduct against Black women, in...