Federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reinstates malicious prosecution, First Amendment lawsuit filed by Journalist and Community Activist Kathy Wray Coleman against Judge Kathleen Ann Keough, City of Cleveland, Cleveland law director, chief prosecutor, other city officials, Sixth Circuit said Judge Donald Nugent abused his discretion in dismissing lawsuit, Coleman, who now publishes Cleveland Urban News.Com, said she was harassed for mortgage fraud investigation, judicial case fixing investigation, her previous Call and Post Newspaper articles, Boxing promoter Don King has owned the Call and Post since 1998
From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com ) and ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) CLEVELAND, Ohio- The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has reinstated a previously dismissed malicious prosecution and First Amendment lawsuit filed in federal court in 2010 by Community Activist and Cleveland Urban News.Com Publisher and Associate Editor Kathy Wray Coleman against Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals Judge Kathleen Ann Keough, the City of Cleveland, and several city officials and other alleged culprits. The defendants also include former Cleveland Law Director Robert Triozzi, Cleveland Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez, and assistant city prosecutors Joan Bascone and Lorraine Coyne, all of whom are White, though Coleman is Black. Judge Donald Nugent, the presiding judge over the case from the Federal District Court of the Northern District of Ohio in Clevelan...