
Showing posts with the label DOJ

Greater Cleveland community activist Kathy Wray Coleman harassed at gun point by a group of White University Heights policemen carrying guns and rifles, and allegedly called nigger..... Coleman says that the police harassment is for her activism, and writings, and for leading activists' meeting last week with NAACP, DOJ on police brutality and racial unrest as to the upcoming Brelo verdict....Coleman says she fears for her life....University Heights police and JPMorgan Chase Bank had broken into Coleman's University Height's home without a court order or eviction, and stole all her her property, including her furniture and a $20,000 collector's car, and have hidden the property from her.....Coleman said that Chase has burglarized her home on at least seven occasions with support of police and the office of the Cuyahoga County prosecutor....Several people are behind the harassment, says Coleman, including police, and Brelo Judge John O'Donnell whom Coleman says has stalked her for 12 years using a housing case he has no authority or jurisdiction to preside over....By Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leader in Black digital news

Community activist Kathy Wray Coleman (above) speaks to the mainstream media at an anti-police brutality rally in  greater  Cleveland in response to Cleveland police shootings of unarmed Blacks . T o the right of Ms. Coleman is the mother of Malissa Williams, whom police shot and killed in 2012 along with Timothy Russell while slinging 137 bullets. Neither victim was wanted by the law, and both were Black and unarmed when they were unceremoniously gunned down .  Coleman helped to organize the rally on behalf of the Imperial Women Coalition. A verdict in the manslaughter trial of Cleveland police officer Michael Brelo is expected to come down soon by common pleas judge John O'Donnell, who is hearing the case in lieu of a jury per Brelo's request. Brelo fired 49 of  137 shots fired by 13 non-Black Cleveland cops at Williams and Russell. The other 12 police officers escaped criminal charges.  (Photo by Laura Cowan) . From the Metro Desk of  Cle...