Bishop Ward, greater Cleveland Black clergy call County Prosecutor Tim McGinty racist for not seeking charges against 13 White Cleveland cops that gunned down 2 unarmed Blacks with 137 bullets, remark that McGinty is racist is made at August 2 rally for help from Obama, Governor Kasich on epidemic of violence against greater Cleveland women, community activists, Black clergy say McGinty is an anti-Black police prosecutor

Greater Love Missionary Baptist Church Bishop Eugene Ward Jr. By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black newspapers ( ) and ( ). Kathy Wray Coleman is a former biology teacher and a 20-year investigative Black journalist who trained for some 15 years at the Call and Post Newspaper . Reach Coleman by phone at 216-659-0473 and by email at CLEVELAND, Ohio- The United Pastors in Mission, the Baptist Ministers Conference, the Mount Pleasant Ministerial Alliance, East Cleveland Concerned Pastors for Progress, Black elected officials, Cleveland NAACP Executive Director Sheila Wright, family members of rape and murder victims, and community activists gathered on August 2 for a well attended press conference, balloon launch and rally in E...