
Showing posts with the label Cleveland Public Schools

Councilman Johnson, Donna Walker Brown, Kim Brown to debate Cleveland schools 15 mill tax levy with state Rep Patmon as moderator, schools CEO invited

From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( ) and ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-Cleveland Urban News.Com and Cleveland area grassroots groups such as the Imperial Women Coalition, the Imperial Women, the Cleveland African-American Museum, Black on Black Crime, the Carl Stokes Brigade, the Cleveland Chapter of the New Black Panther Party, the Oppressed People's Nation, the Joaquin Hicks Real People's Movement, the Lucasville Uprising Freedom Network, the People's Forum, the Family Connection Center, Organize Ohio, Revolution Books, Occupy Cleveland, the Committee to Bring Home Jamela and Jamyla, the Northeast Ohio Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, the Underground Railroad, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, Ohio Family Rights and Cleveland Jobs With Justice will host an inner city grassroots debate on the Cleveland Public Schools 15 mill proper...